Chapter - 22

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*2 months later*

Time passed by very quickly. Their lives were now peaceful and happy. Ray and Melanie contacted each other a few times through letters, Rose and Theo became a perfect happily married couple. Although Sky and Claire were not able to contact each other after that day, they both were still happy for the thought that they both are finally together.

Today, the kingdom of Philaria was decorated beautifully just like a newly wedded bride. It was shimmering with bright lanterns and scented candles. It was winter but still the whole atmosphere was warm and comfortable. It was because today was the day when Philaria will get their new king. It was the coronation day of Prince Theo.

The royal families of all the five kingdoms were about to meet again today. This itself was a huge occasion. 

"Princess Julia, his majesty is calling you." Maria came and told Julia who was reading a book in her room. "I'll be there." She said and put her book down. She went downstairs and saw the king standing in the hall. "You called for me, father?" She stepped towards him and he turned back to look at her.

"Yes, I want you to go to Philaria for Prince Theo's coronation." He said making her shocked. Ever since she came there, she was not allowed to even keep a step out of the castle and today her father was telling her to go to another kingdom to attend a royal event. "But father..." Before she could say anything, Kevin came there.

"Why will she go? She isn't even a royal." He said. "Kevin! She is my daughter. You have no rights to speak to the princess of Sinsila like that. I have made my decision and she will go instead of me." The king said. "But why aren't you going, father?" Julia asked him. "There are some disputes going among two social groups which might turn into a civil war if I do not take any action. So, it is necessary for me to stay here." He replied and Julia nodded at him.

"Go and get ready." He smiled at her and she went to her room. Kevin on the other hand just let out an annoyed sigh and went to his room to get ready as well.

"Mother, is this dress fine?" Melanie asked her mother while showing her a navy blue dress. "It's good but red color suits you the most." The queen replied and she went and came with a red dress this time. "Perfect." The queen said and Melanie smiled at her. "I am seeing a change in my daughter, a good one. Is there any special reason for that?" She asked her.

"Actually mother, I..." She got lost of words on how to tell her about Prince Ray as she got very shy. "Oh my, I am seeing my daughter flustered for the first time. Have you found a prince for yourself?" She asked her and she hesitantly nodded. 

The queen got up from her seat and went to tightly hug her. "I am so happy for you!" She said and gently stroked her hair. "Who is this gentleman?" She pulled back and looked at her. "Prince Ray of Sophiesia." She replied with her red cheeks. "Does that mean all those letters which you received were from him?" Her mother looked at her. "Yes." She replied only to get another tight hug from her.

"I'll be ordering to make the wedding cards soon." She said excitedly. "Don't be so excited mother, we still have to talk to the royal family of Sophiesia about this." Melanie said calming her super excited mother. "I can't wait to see you in that elegant wedding dress." She said and held her hand. Little tears were building inside her eyes as she looked at her.

"It was your father's dream to walk you down the aisle and give your hand to the person you love." She said as a tear rolled down her eyes. "Mom." Melanie wiped her tear and hugged her. "He is not with us anymore but his memories are. His blessings are always with us so you don't worry." She said.

"I just want to see you happy, Melanie. No matter what you do I will always support you as long as it's right." The queen said and got up. "You should get ready and leave as soon as possible if you want to reach there on time." She said and fixed her crown. "Aren't you coming with me?" Melanie asked her. "No, I can't leave the kingdom alone." She said and handed her a letter. "Give this letter of mine to prince Theo saying these are my blessings for him." She said and went out of the room.

"Kylie, can you please bring that necklace to me?" Lucy said while the other maids combed her hair and made her wear her sandals. "Sure, princess." Kylie went and took a box covered in silk cloth and gave that to Lucy. She wore that necklace and looked at her reflection. "This looks gorgeous on you." Kylie said to her. "Thank you." She smiled at her and after a few more minutes got up and saw her final look. "I'm impressed." She said to the maids who bowed at her and left the room.

Ray fixed his coat and applied some natural scent on himself. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and was satisfied to see his look. "I guess I look fine." He said and finally wore his small crown and went outside. There he saw Lucy and Kylie already waiting for him and his father also standing beside them.

"Are we ready to leave?" He asked them and they all nodded. The royal carriage came and Lucy sat inside while Kylie got on her horse. The king also sat on his chariot and Ray followed him on his horse as well. 

"Princess Claire, we must leave now." Jake said to her as he saw her putting on her crown. "Sure, let's go." She said and walked out followed by Jake. They both came to the castle entrance and saw the king already sitting in his chariot. Claire and him were still not on good terms but they sorted it out a little.

Claire just ignored him and went to sit inside her carriage. Jake followed her from behind on his horse.

After a long journey of about three hours, they finally reached the castle of Philaria. "It looks so stunning!" Claire's eyes wandered around in amazement. She then saw princess Jasmine approaching them.

"I welcome the royal family of Andria to this coronation ceremony." She said and bowed to them. "Please come and enjoy this occasion." She said and led them inside.

There, Claire saw her other friends. Ray and Melanie were talking to each other and Lucy was also standing near them talking to some other noble ladies. She went to them and greeted them all. Jake on the other hand went outside in the garden where he saw a girl sitting near the tree. She was looking just like a royal.

He approached her and wanted asked her if she was okay. But before he could she got up and went somewhere else. Although she went from there, something about her made him feel like as if she was still in front of his eyes. He froze on his place and his eyes got focused on the beauty who was sitting there just now.

Claire eyes then fell on the person she despised the most, Kevin. She saw him talking to other noble people while his mysterious guard stood behind him in a protective way. She was so into giving him side eyes that she did not notice someone else approaching her.

"Looks like you are totally forgetting about me, princess." Sky said in a deep voice making her startled. "You scared me!" She turned around with her hand kept on her heart. "Sorry for that." He said and held her hand.

"I missed you, princess." He said and leaned in to place a soft kiss on the back of her hand. She smiled at him and he did the same. "So, why did you not reply to my last letter, princess?" Ray asked Melanie while leaning against the drinks counter. "I just got busy with the castle work, I'm very sorry for that." She bowed at him.

He held her by her shoulders and made her look back at him. "Never ever bow to me again." He said in a serious manner and she looked at him with a confused expression on her face. "Is there a problem?" She asked him. "I would never want someone I love bowing to me." He said to her. "But it shows that I respect you." She said. "But it can also be seen as lowering your own morals and I do not want to let that happen." He said to her and she nodded at him while smiling.

Just then a announcement was made. "Prince Theo and Princess Rose are arriving here." On hearing this, all the guests looked in the direction of the staircase and saw their future king and queen stepping down gracefully.

They both were not wearing any jewelry or crown as according to a ritual they both had to get ready in the minimal way possible. Once they both reached in the hall among the others, the king of Philaria stepped forward. "As all the five great nations are now here, I would like to give the order to start this ceremony."

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