Chapter - 15

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It was afternoon and the king of Andria received a letter from Philaria. "What is it, father?" Claire asked him. "Rose and prince Theo won't be able to come here this time." He said making Claire sad. "But why?" She asked him. "They both are stuck in castle works." He replied and she sighed. "But this time the preparations were even bigger." She said. "I cannot do anything, I also wanted both of them to come here but it is not possible." The king replied and went from there.

Here Theo was working on some Kingdom matters when Rose came there. Seeing her enter inside, he ordered the people sitting there to leave from there. She stepped forward towards him and handed him a book. "I finally found this." She smiled to him and he smiled back. "I am glad, I thought I lost it forever." He said and she sat beside him. "I am sorry." He said to her and she looked up at him. 

"Why?" She asked him. "Because of me you are not able to go to Andria. I know you wanted to go there so badly." He said to her while she smiled a little. "It's fine, I will go next time. Besides, I have to fulfil my responsibilities here too." She gently held his hand. He looked at her and felt very happy to have a partner like her. "Thank you, Rose" He said to her. "No need to thank me, we both promised to stay by each other's side for the rest of our lives." They both smiled warmly at each other.

Claire and Sky were both roaming around near the pond. "Why is everyone so busy today?" Claire said and kicked a small stone. "Why are you asking?" Sky asked her. "Rose and Prince Theo aren't coming here, Lucy is busy arranging her wardrobe, Ray and Princess Melanie also denied to go anywhere today." She began counting on fingers.

"But I am here with you." Sky said making her heart do a flip. "You can talk to me and spend your time with me too." He said while leaning a bit towards her shoulder. A slight pink blush rose to her face and she looked the other way. "I guess you are right." She said and walked forward. 

They both walked in silence for another fifteen minutes. "This is so boring." Claire sighed. "I wanted to visit more traditional shops but Jake isn't here too." She sighed and sat down near the tree. Sky came and sat beside her. "Then, let me tell you a story to entertain you." Sky said while sitting comfortably. 

"Once upon a time there was a prince who loved a princess very much. They both were madly in love and got married. Their life was very good and they both were living peacefully. They both felt that this was their happily ever after. Two years later the princess found out that she was pregnant and the royal couple became very happy on this news. But due to some mis-happening, they both lost their first child." He looked at Claire and saw her very focused on the story.

"Years later the prince was crowned as the king. His reign was very peaceful but at the same time a famine spread out in the kingdom due to natural calamities. The whole kingdom went into debt. In order to solve this, the King's wise men suggested him to marry the princess of a wealthy kingdom. They also told him about such a princess." He paused for a bit and took a long breath.

"The king did not want to do this because he loved his queen unconditionally but  for his kingdom, he had to do this. So, he married her. That's when their life began to get ruined. The king had to spend more time in kingdom works along with his new wife while the queen used to watch them from behind the curtains. A few months later, the new princess got to know that she was pregnant with the King's child. They both were happy while the queen felt an emptiness." He took a deep breath and continued.

"Nine months later, the first child of the king was born. The whole kingdom was celebrating it ignoring how the queen must have felt. The king himself started to get immersed more in work and got less time to spend with her. Two years later the princess gave birth to the second child of the king. This only made the queen more and more sad and she decided to confront the king. She talked to him and he realized that he got so busy in his work and spending time with the princess that he forgot her. The love which was slowly fading from his heart finally came back." He smiled a bit and again glanced at Claire's face only to see her looking back at him.

"One more year later, the queen gave birth to her first child. Both the King and the Queen were beyond happy. They both started to spend their time together. Years went by and they both became more close to each other. It was their son's sixth birthday when the Queen suddenly fell ill. Days passed but the medics were not able to find any cure. One night the queen called her son in her room and told him this story. She told him to take care of his father and become a great prince." He tried very hard to control his tears.

"The next morning, the whole kingdom was in sorrow, the queen left them all." A tear slipped down his eyes but he quickly wiped it away. He looked at Claire and saw a tear forming at the corner of her eye. He brought his fingers near her eye and wiped that tear before it could fall.

"Who was that queen?" She asked him. "My mother." He replied only to make her even more sad. "I never knew this was your past." She said to him and he smiled a bit. "I never told you that." He replied and grinned at her. "I did not mean that--" 

He ran from there and she ran behind him. They both were chasing each other while laughing and screaming at each other. 

Finally after running around continuously for around half an hour they both again came back and sat down near that tree. "I wish that I also knew about my mother." Claire said while breathing heavily from running so fast. "You never saw her?" He asked her and she nodded as no. "I only heard stories about her from Rose." She replied. "What kind of queen she was?" He asked her.

"According to Rose, she was a very brave and powerful ruler. Andria belonged to her father and she was the queen after he died. My father was the son of a feudal lord and they both loved each other. After marrying, my father became half ruler of Andria. But due to civil wars, she was killed for discarding the royal rules and marrying a man of lower status. But Rose told me that she died a death of honor and became an inspiration for everyone." She told him the only thing she knew about her late mother.

"She must have been a great ruler." Sky remarked at Claire nodded at him. "I wish I could be like her someday." She said. "You will, I believe in you." Sky said making her look at him. A slight breeze flew making the leaves fallen around them to fly as well. He gave her a soft smile and got up. 

"It's getting late, we must leave because as per the rule of Andria, the royal females aren't allowed to stay out of the castle after sunset." He said and forwarded his hand. Claire took it and got up. "I must say, you are a fast learner." She said to him. "I know." He winked and teasingly smiled at her. 

She slightly hit his shoulder and they both started to go on their way back to the castle while holding each other's hand. 

"I think I can trust you, Prince Sky." She said to and he looked at her. "I can trust you to be by my side when I need you." She said to him. "I think I can share my feelings with some beside Ray too." She continued and he smiled her. "Anytime, princess." 

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