Chapter - 27

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Claire came downstairs while the maids held her long dress from behind. She was looking just like an angel who came directly from heaven. All the eyes were on her. Lucy came to her side and took her to her seat along with herself. The king of Andria raised his glass of wine ordering to begin the event.

One by one, many princes and kings came to her and introduced themselves. She just gave them all a small smile while her eyes were looking for just one person. "Looking for someone, princess?" She heard his voice from behind and turned around. "Prince Sky!" Her face brightened and she got up from her seat.

He forwarded his hand for her to take and she gently held his hand. He lead her to the dancefloor and they both began dancing together along with the melody of the music. "I thought you will not come." Claire said to him. "Today is the day when I will finally get to call you mine, how could I have missed this opportunity." He said to her and she smiled at him.

They both were just dancing together ignoring everything which was happening around them. They both felt as if only both of them were present in that whole hall. 

"May I princess?" Ray came to Melanie and asked her to dance with him. Without wasting anytime, she held his hand and they both also went to the dance floor. Lucy who was watching all of them from afar also wanted to go and dance but she had no one to dance with. Suddenly she saw someone forwarding his hand towards her. She looked up and saw prince Kevin.

"Mind if I dance with you?" He asked her and she shook her head. They both then also joined the others at the dancefloor. Although Kevin was dancing with Lucy, his eyes never left Claire. He was continuously glaring at Sky and her. Watching them both happily dancing with each other gave him an urge to kill them.

It was nothing but pure jealousy. He never loved princess Claire. He just wanted to make her his because she was the princess wanted by everyone. He wanted her for himself because he has got whatever he wanted since childhood. His grip tightened on Lucy waist and a light groan left from her mouth. 

His eyes got darker and darker as he started digging his nails deep into her skin. His other hand gripped her wrist so tightly that it started turning blue. She tried to get out from his grip but failed as she was very weak compared to him. Tears started to build in her eyes due to pain but she was not able to utter a single word.

Kevin soon realized what he was doing and left her. "I'm sorry." He said and bowed a little and went from there. Lucy just stood there with her blue hand and scratches on her waist. Kylie immediately came to her and took her with her to a corner.

"Princess, how did this happen?" She asked her with full of worry but Lucy was not able to utter a single word. The pain in her hand was unbearable for her. Kylie quickly brought some lukewarm water for her to put her hand in. Lucy dipped her hand in that water which helped her ease the pain a little. "I hope Claire does not choose him." She said while tears still flowed from her eyes.

The music suddenly stopped as it was time for Claire to give that badge to the person she found for herself. She got more and more nervous with each step she took towards that badge. She finally took that in her hand and turned around. She took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Do not doubt your feelings and do what you believe is right because regretting something later will not do any good."

She recalled Rose's words and stepped forward. She looked at Kevin who had a huge smirk on his face. He was very much confident that she will choose him. She looked at her father whose eyes were telling her to make the right choice. And lastly she looked at Sky was standing there, smiling at her.

She took small steps towards Kevin whose smirk got bigger and bigger as she came near him. He adjusted his collar and stood there in a perfect way. She came towards him and raised the badge making everyone present there shocked. Sky was speechless, he felt his heart being broken into millions of pieces. 

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