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You wake up to your head pounding and your body feels weak. You turn around in bed and see that Sadie isn't in bed with you.

You sit up and move to the edge of the bed. You struggle to stand up and feel dizzy. You use the wall for support. You open the bedroom door and call out.


Sadie hears you from the kitchen and stops what she is doing.


"Sadie!" You whimper.

"Y/n baby are you ok?" She says walking towards the stairs.

You start to feel extremely dizzy and feel as if you are going to pass out.

"Sadie! Help me!" You whine

She runs up the stairs and sees you holding onto the doorframe struggling to stand.

You start to feel extremely weak and your knees buckle.

"Baby" you mumble.

Sadie lunges toward you and catches you before you fall to the ground.

"Y/n? Baby are you okay?" She asks worriedly setting you down on the ground.

"Washroom." You cough

"Shit" she says "fuck uhh hold on" she says looking around

"I can't" you gag

Sadie looks around and sees a pile of dirty laundry on the floor. She spots a towel and grabs it.

"Here baby use thi-" She gets interrupted

You spew all over the wood floor.

You whimper and lean against the wall crying.

"Oh hey baby it's ok." She says "here, love let's get you to the washroom."

She picks you up and walks to the end of the corridor the washroom. She sets you down in front of the toilet.

"Here baby stay here let me clean up the corridor and I will be right back ok?" She says to you softly.

"Mmnn" you mumble and nod

She gets up quickly and walks in the corridor to where you spewed. She grabs the dirty washcloth and cleans up your vomit.

She gags at the smell. She turns her head away from the cloth and puts her face against her shoulder.

"Sadie keep it down" she says to herself
"you have to be there for Y/n right now"

She finishes cleaning up the floor and puts the cloth in the bin when she hears you.

"Sadie!?" You whimper then gag

She rushes back to the toilet. When she gets to the washroom she slowly kneels down next to you and begins rubbing your back.

You gag again and shake your head in pain, not wanting to throw up again.

"Hey baby don't try to suppress it okay" she says to you calmly " it's better out than in ok?"

You look at her and weakly nod. Not a second later you feel a sharp pain in your stomach and feel it rising in your throat.

"Mnnnmm" you whimper and shake your head.

" Y/n baby let it come ok. It's not going to do any good trying to suppress it."

You give up and it all comes out. You cough and begin to cry.

Sadie knows you hate throwing up.

Y/n is seven.

"No please I'm sorry I didn't mean to" you say in a scared tone.

"I told you throwing up is for pussies you understand?" Your father yells.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to throw up on the carpet it just came out so fast. Father I'm sorry." You whimper.

"Your gonna get it." He yells.

*end flashback*

You continue to cry and lean your face on the toilet seat.

"Hey baby don't do that it's full of germs" she says

She pulls you up and sits you in between her legs laying your back against her front.

"Sadie" you whimper.

"Yeah?" She asks calmly.

"I don't feel good" you whine.

"I know y/n. I know." She says running her fingers through your hair.

You sit there for a little bit. You sitting in between her legs you back up against her front.

You begin to dose off but feel the pain again.

"No No No No No" you say clutching your stomach as you sit up.

"Hey baby it's ok" Sadie says sitting up.

"No No No" you whimper shaking your head.

"Baby you need to just let it come okay." She says rubbing your back.

"No," you gag

"Yes Y/n it's not good to supress it. It has to come out whether you want it to or not."

"Mnn" you mumble not able to open your mouth.

"Y/n baby please just let it go, please." She says starting to get worried.

"Mnnm" you moan in pain.

"I'm sorry." She says shaking her head

She reaches around to your stomach, you squirm to try to get away from her knowing what she is about to do. You push yourself away from the toilet and try to wiggle out of her grip.

"No Please" you mumble trying with all your might to get away from her.

"I'm so sorry baby I have to, your going to hurt yourself" she says tearing up

She pushes on your stomach and it comes out onto the floor despite you trying to hold it back. Sadie loosens her grip on you as a tear runs down her cheek.

You gag and gasp for breath. You have no energy left from trying to suppress it that long so everything left in your stomach comes up onto the floor a few seconds later.

You whimper and lean back into Sadie. You turn and begin to cry into her chest.

"Hey Shhhh. It's ok, I'm so sorry baby I had to." She says beginning to sob.

She hates seeing you in pain and the fact that she purposefully just put you through something you hated doing made it worse. Especially sense that was painfull for you. Even if it was for your own good.

You begin to calm down and just lay in Sadie's arms on the washroom floor. After about ten minutes you dose off. Sadie picks you up and brings you to the bedroom.

She lays you on the bed and tucks you in. She walks over to the closet and grabs a bucket she sets it on the bed side table.

She knows you won't use it. If you had to throw up you would try to suppress it as long as you could but it's worth a shot.

Sadie tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses your forehead. She turns off the light and heads down the corridor to start cleaning the washroom.

Alright this was my first Oneshot hope you all liked it! There will be a part two of your little recovery. Please tell me if I did good. I'm so exited to start this little one shot book!

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