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Y/n is at home while Sadie is out with some friends. Sadie should have been home over an hour ago.

About ten minutes later, Sadie comes through the front door.

"Where have you been?" You say. "I've been trying to call you. I was getting worried."

"Heyyy." Sadie laughs.

"Hey, i missed you." You say hugging Sadie.

"Yeahh." Sadie giggles.

"I was worried when you didn't answer my calls." You say. "Are you okay?"

Sadie lets out a high-pitched giggle.

"What's happening?" You say, putting your hands on her cheeks. "You're acting weird..."

Sadie's eyes are loopy as she looks around and giggles.

"Are you high?" You say.

"Mnmnnnhmm." Sadie lets out a high-pitched laugh.

"Okay, you've definitely taken something." You say, "What you take?"

"We had browns." She slurs.

"You had what?"

"These browns one of our friends gave us." Sadie slurs. "Maya had one, Izzy, Bella, Asher was there he had one too."

"Are you sure they were just brownies?" You ask

"You mean the browns?" Sadie slurs

"Yeah... the, the browns..." You say

"I dunno." Sadie slurs as she leans her head on your chest.

"What time did you eat the browni- the browns?" You ask.

"Like an hour ago." She slurs.

"Okay... how are you feeling right now?" You ask, grabbing her hand.

"Well, right now, i can see sounds, and i can hear the colors." Sadie chuckles.

"Okay, so you're really high..." You say, "How do you feel like.. like your body?"

"I want chicken nuggiesssss." Sadie says, starting to cry.

"I'll get you some nuggies." You chuckle."Do you want anything else right now?"

"I want a dinosaur." Sadie says with tears in her eyes.

"Okay, I'll get you a dinosaur, I promise." You chuckle and hug sadie.

"A phat fluffy one?" Sadie slurs.

"Yeah, the phattest fluffiest dinosaur you've ever seen." You say

"Yeah." Sadie says, starting to calm down.

"Okay, do you wanna chill on the sofa for a bit while i get you some nuggies?" You ask.

"No, I want up." She says, wrapping her arms around your neck.

"Okay, okay." You say picking her up.

"Yeah." She sniffles and wraps her legs around your waist and buries her face in your neck.

"I love you." You say as you rock her back and forth.

"We can make nugs now." She mumbles into your neck.

"Okay, we can make nuggies." You say and carry her to the kitchen.

You get out a box of frozen vegan nuggies while holding Sadie.

"You comfortable?" You ask, putting the nuggies in the microwave.

"Yeah, i just wanna press the button." Sadie whines.

"Okay, here you go." You say, letting her press the start button on the microwave.

"Yeah." She says and presses the button.

"There, are you happy you got to press the button?" You ask.

"Yeah." Sadie sniffles with tears in her eyes.

"You're so cute when you're so high like this, you know that?" You say.

"I just want chicken nuggets." Sadie whines into your shoulder.

"Your nuggies are coming, baby." You say.

"Yeah." She sniffles.

"How are you feeling?" You ask," I still see the sounds and hear the colors?"

"Yeah, i can hear all the reddd." She whines.

"Yeah?" You chuckle. "Whats the red sound like?"

"I dunooooo." She cries.

"Okay, okay, just relax." You say.

"There's so much snow outside." She slurs.

"Babe, we live in California, and it's summer." You chuckle.

"Must have been sand." She says nonchalantly.

You laugh. "Yeah, must have been."

"I wanna be a whale." She whines.

"A whale?" You say. "Why do you wanna be a whale?"

"Well, you know when Abby and Owen go to the aquarium?" She slurs.

"Okay..... Shure...." You say, confused. "They went to see the whales?"

"No, because all the whales were dead!" She cries.

"What?!" You say "babe why were the whales dead?"

"They were dead just like all the people." She slurs.

"What?!" You say "dead pe- what?"

"There aren't that many people in Seattle...." she says

"Okay..... why, seattle?" You say

"That's where Abby and Owen were!" Sadie cries.

"Abby and Owen...." You say, "Do we know an Abby and an Owen?"

"From the last of usss!" She cries.

"Oh yeahhh Abby and Owen." You say.

"Yeah, I wanna be the whale." She slurs

"What, what whale?" You say.

"The fake one that's hanging up." She says.

"Oh, definitely, you can be that whale." You say.

"Yeah." She says

The alarm for the nuggets goes off.

"Okay, im gonna put you down on the couch, and then I'll get your nuggies, okay?" You say

"Okay." She slurs as you carry her to the living room.

You lay her on the couch and then go to the kitchen to get her nugs.

"Okay, I have you nugs. Do you want ranch or ketc-"

She is fast asleep on the couch.

"Okay." You say, putting the nugs on the counter.

"Let's get you upstairs, babe."

You pick her up and carry her upstairs.

"You sound like rainbow." Sadie slurs.

"What?" You say.

"Yeah, rainbow. That's the color you sound like..."

"Oh, why rainbow?" You tease.

"Cuz your a fag." She slurs.

"That I am." You laugh.

"But it's okay because I'm a fag too."

"That you are."


"God you're so high."

888 words

Ik it's been a while don't come for me okay?

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now