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Sadie's G!p Smut

Request from nghtfury95

You put the keys in the door and unlock your room. You set your stuff down and take your shoes off. You wonder if your roommate is home.

"Sadie?" You say,"You home?"

She doesn't answer.

You walk down the hallway where your bedrooms are. You here moaning coming from Sadie's room. You see, the door is cracked, and you want to investigate.

You peek through the door. You feel aroused at what you see.

Sadie is on top of a girl. She is grinding her crotch against the girl. The girl sits up and takes off her underwear. You notice the girl has a penis, just like Sadie. Sadie takes her boxers off, too.

"Last one to cum wins." Sadie says

"Your on." The girl says.

They jerk eachother off untill they both have full blown erections. Then they both sit there grinding each other's cocks together. You hear the girl begin to struggle.

Sadie smirks and begins to grind faster and harder.

"F-fuck." The girl moans and cums.

Sadie smiles. The girl gets up and throws her clothes on.

You quietly run away from the door and act like you just came in. You stand at the entrance of the hallway and begin walking.

The girl walks past you visibly upset.

"What are you looking at?!" She says.

"Nothing." You shrug.

You chuckle to yourself. You stand at the entrance to Sadie's room. She is sitting on the edge of the bed her back faced twords you, jerking off.

You clear your throat.

"You lost." She says "I'm not doing a fucking rematch."

"Sadie." You say

She turns her head.

"Y/n?!" She says and puts a blanket over her.

You smirk when you see the tent in the blanket.

"Want me to help you with that?" You say.

"Yeah." She says and gets back on the bed.

She lays down half sitting up. She rests her upper back against the pillows. You smirk and shut the door. You walk up to the bed and look at her.

"Please y/n." She says

You suddenly jump on the bed and straddle her legs as you begin to stroke her cock.

She throws her head back and moans.

"F-fuck I'm gonna C-cum." She moans

"Jesus already?!" You say

"Do you know how long I have been holding it?!" She says holding it back.

"Fine." You say "just give me a second."

You take all ten inches into your mouth and begin to suck her big cock. She moans and grabs your hair. She begins to move her hips guiding her dick in and out of your mouth.

She moans your name loudly and shoots a load into your mouth.

"Are we really about to do this?" She says sitting up.

"You need a reward for wining don't you?" You say.

"Okay." She says

You smirk and trace up and down her body. You reach behind her and start to unclasp her bra

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now