last night pt 2

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Sadie's G!p smut

You walk into Sadie's bedroom. She closes the door.

She pins you against the wall. Surprised you look her in the face. Face full of lust she crashed her lips into yours.

It quickly turns into a heated make out. You are just frothing over the placement of her knee, up against your center.

You start to rub yourself against her knee. It gives you a little relief but you need more, you need her.

She licks your bottom lip begging for an entrance which you decline. She gets annoyed at this. She grabs both your hands and pins them above your head.

You moan slightly as your hands hit the cold door.

"Look at you grinding on my leg." She says with a smirk. "So needy."

"Mhmm." You moan longing for her touch.

She reaches down and grasps your hips as you grind against her thigh. You wrap your arms around her neck and crash your lips into hers.

Her hands make their way down to your ass.

"Jump." She mumbles into the kiss.

You jump into her and wrap your legs around her waist. She walks you over to her bed and sets you down.

As you hit the mattress you squeal in excitement. She hovers over you and attacks your neck, leaving her marks all over you.

You grab her chin and pull her back up to your mouth. She begins to grind her cock against your crotch. She moans slightly.

You look down and see her dick move through her trousers.

"So exited arnt we?" You smirk.

"Mhmm." She mumbles into the kiss.

You wrap your arms around her back and pull off her unbuttoned shirt. You then begin to play with the clasp of her bra.

"You can take it off." She says.

That's all you need, you unclasp her bra and it falls off. You look at her breasts and gasp a bit.

"You like what you see?" She asks still grinding against your center.

"Mhmm." You say taking off your shirt.

She looks at you with an innocent smile then quickly Yanks off your skirt.



"Fuck me" You giggle "do it."

That's all she needs she Yanks off tour panties and bra. You unbutton her trousers and slide them down. Her massive cock springs out and hangs down, her tip touching your lower stomach.

She aligns herself up with your hole. She down at you for confirmation. You give her a conforming nod and she slowly slides herself into you.

You moan as she sticks her tip into you. She gives you a moment to adjust to her size. You then moan letting her know you are ready for more.

She slides all the way into you hitting the spot deep inside of you. You gasp and begin to moan.

"Oh my god Sadie." You moan.

"You like that?" She moans thrusting her hips into you.

"Mhmm please." You moan

"Sadie?!" You hear. "Are you in there?"

"Mitchell don't come in!" She yells turning her head.

"You okay in there?" He asks slowly opening the door.

"Mitchell don't come in!!" She yells.

He quickly shuts the door.

"What why?!" He says "Sadie what are you doing in there?!"

"Jerking off." She quickly says trying to come up with an excuse.

She instantly covers her mouth knowing she has made a mistake.

"I'm sorry?" He says in confusion

"Marking up." She says. "It's an art drawing term."

"Oh can I see?" He says beginning to open the door.

"NO!" She yells her dick still inside of you.

"Okayyyy?" He says realizing what is going on.

"I'm I'm, I'm naked." She lies.

"Umm alright." He says "Tell y/n our science project is due tomorrow."

"What?!" She says.

"Tell y/n she needs to bring the project to school tomorrow it's due."

"Mitchell y/n isn't here." She lies.

"Pfthh yeah okay." He says. "Also yall need to quiet down or Jacy is gonna ask questions."

"What do you mean?" She says.

"Sades I'm not an idiot." He says.

"I have no idea what your talking about." She lies

"Okayy...." He says turning to leave. "Oh wait."

"Hm?" She says.

"Use a condom."He whispers sliding one under the door.

"Mitchell!!" Sadie yells in embarrassment.

"Be safe please." He says. "See ya later guys."

Sadie turns back to you and you burst out laughing.

"That's not funny y/nnn." She says pulling out of you.

"It's kinda funny." You laugh.

"Aghhh." She says laying next to you.

You pull a blanket over the both of you and you snuggle into her.

"So what exactly did you tell kelly?" She asks.

"Oh." You say feeling bad.

"It's okay I'm not mad." She says rubbing your back. "I knew people were gonna find out eventually."

"I just told her we ended up making out and then I figured out you have a penis because of your bulge." You sigh "I'm so sorry Sadie. I shouldn't have told her."

"It's okay." She says running her fingers through your hair.

"I love you Sadie." You say.

"I love you y/n."

841 words

I hope you guys liked pt2. Love you all.

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