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You and Sadie have been dating for 5 years you have a 1 1/2 year old daughter named Ellie. If you get the reference comment 😁.

"Babe I'm gonna get in the shower." You yell out from the washroom.

"Okay my love." She turns around and calls from down stairs.

She turns back around and Ellie is gone.

"Uhhh." She says playfully "where did she go??"

She starts looking around the room and apots Ellie hiding behind the couch.

"Oh well I guess I'm gonna nock this tower down." She says sitting down.

"Noooo." Ellie yells and runs out from behind the couch.

She runs over to Sadie and tries to push her over. Sadie pretends to fall down, Ellie falling on top of her.

"Ohhh my gosh." She says playfully.

They continue to play while you take a shower.

Once you are finished with your shower you open the door and reach out for a towel.

You see it isn't hanging on the rack it's hanging on the other side of the wall.

"Aghh Ellie." You say reaching for it.

You try not to step on the floor and get it slippery but you can't reach it. You set one foot on the floor to try to reach it and you slip.

Sadie hears a little thump from upstairs.

"Let's go check on mommy." She says

Ellie extends her arms twords Sadie and she picks her up. Sadie playfully runs up the stairs. She walks into your room and sets Ellie down.

Ellie steps close to the door.

"Do you remember privacy baby?" Sadie says to the little girl.

"Oh yeah." She says with a smile.

Sadie walks over the the open door and pokes her head in. She sees you on the floor, a pool of blood near your head.

Her eyes widden and her first instinct is to run for you. She stays calm.

"Baby." She says to Ellie.

"Yes mama?"

"Do you wanna go downstairs and finish your tower?" She says As calm as possible. "Aunt Millie is gonna come over for a bit."

"Okay." She says excitedly and goes down stairs.

Sadie runs over to you and rolls you over. You have a giant cut on your forehead and you are unconscious.

She grabs her phone and calls 911.

911 what's your emergency?

Hi, my girlfriend slipped in the washroom and hit her head She is unconscious.

Alright is she breathing ma'am?


Alright what's your name ma'am?

Sadie. Sadie Sink.

And your girlfriend?

Y/n. Y/n y/l/n.

Alright can I have your address we will dispatch help immediately.

Yeah it's *your address*

Alright thank you ma'am. Can you stay on the line for me?

I need to call a friend to watch our daughter.

Do you have another phone ma'am?


Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now