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As you emerge out of the water you take off your snorkel mask.

"Holy shit" your friend Cam says

"I know right?" You say "the fish were so pretty."

"Let's go and eat lunch" she says "I brought sandwiches."

"Okay let's go." You say

You both run out of the water and on top the sand. You jog over to your towel and sit down. Cam gets the sandwiches and you two begin eating.

Then all of a sudden you see the most beautiful girl run across the shallow water. She has pretty long red hair and the most beautiful blue eyes.

She has a black sports bra and a button down open Hawaiian shirt on. She is wearing jean booty shorts and no shoes.

You cant help but stare in awe of this beautiful girl.

"Oh shit" Cam says interrupting your thoughts

"What" you say "what happened?"

"I have to go" she says "I forgot Damian and I have a date in one hour."

You have always thought Cam and Damian were the cutest couple. But you can't help but get jealous sometimes. Cam always says 'just relax the perfect guy will come along' but she doesn't know.

"No no it's ok." You say "Go, you don't want to be late. You two have fun."

"Bye y/nnnn" she says running to leave.

You continue to eat your lunch and plan to keep looking at the red headed girl, but when you look back at the water she isn't there.

"Excuse me?" Someone asks behind you.

"Yeah?" You say turning around.

You see the pretty red head girl.

"Could I sit with you?" She asks " I want to eat my lunch but I don't have an umbrella and I forgot my sunscreen."

"Oh yeah for Shure" you say scooting over.

"I'm Sadie" she says

"I'm y/n" you say shaking her hand

You talk for a minute but then something catches you off guard.

"Woahhhhh pretty lady" a guy says to you

He whistles.

You grown uncomfortably and turn to talk to Sadie.

"Baby girl what are you doing over there? Come join me." He says

You are very uncomfortable and Sadie sees this.

"Hey dude can you maybe not?" She says

"I'm not harming anyone." He says

"Your harming me." She says "quit talking to my girlfriend."

"Girlfr-" You start

"Don't freak out just trust me." She whispers and pulls you into a kiss

"Oh I'm sorry you guys" he stammers "I'm not like homoph-. Happy pride month y'all."

"I'm so sorry that was the only thing I could think o-" she stars

You pull her into a kiss slow but passionate.

When you pull away you see a flicker in her eyes. You both smile and rest your foreheads together.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" She laughs

"Yes" you say and kiss her.

You both spend the rest of the day together on the beach.

As it becomes evening you sit on the towel and watch the sunset. You are sitting in between her legs, your back resting against her front.

"Y/n?" She says

"Yeah?"you say sitting up and turning around.

"Thanks" she says pulling you into her lap.

"Yeah definitely" you say "I had a great time today."

You two begin to make out. You sit on her lap and wrap your legs around her waist.

When you pull away you both giggle. She looks behind you and gaps.

"What?"you ask

"The sunset!" She says

You look behind you and see the most beautiful sunset.

"It's beautiful."  You say looking back at her

"Ehhhhh" she says "you are more beautiful."

You smile stupidly and look at her. You kiss her slow but passionately. When you pull away you both touch foreheads and look into each other's eyes.

"I love you y/n" she says

"I love you too Sadie."

648 words.

I'll it's short but I wanted to take a break from smut

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now