last night.

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You and Sadie are both in high school.

Sadie's G!p

"Ha, look at her."

"Oh my god, she's so weird."

"Why would she wear a skirt, oh my god."

Sadie hears a bunch of people whispering in the halls

She is wearing a cute little skirt to school, but apparently, that is forbidden.

"Hey Sadie." Amy says cheerfully.

This takes Sadie by surprise.

"Oh hi amy." She says, clutching her book bag.

"Cute skirt." She says,"Where did you get it?"

"Um, i- I don't know." She says nervously.

"It looks super soft." She says,"Can I see."

"Sure." Sadie says, looking down.

Amy reaches down and touches the edge of Sadie's skirt.

"Oh my god, it's so soft." She says, feeling it.

"Yeah, I know it's my fav -" she starts

Amy Yanks Sadie's skirt down to her ankles, leaving Sadie in her boxers.

Everyone in the halls starts laughing at her.

Sadie reaches down to try and pull her skirt up. Amy steps on it, keeping Sadie from pulling it up.

"Amy, stop let go." She says, trying to pull it back up.


"Amy, please." She starts to tear up.

All of a sudden, the skirt rips. Sadie falls backward onto the floor.

She lays there for a second crying, everyone laughing at her.

She gets up and quickly runs into the woman's washroom. She runs into a stall and throws her book bag onto the floor in anger.

She breaks down and falls to the floor, crying into her knees.

She hears Amy walk into the washroom.

"Sadie!" She yells, walking up to the stall.

She kicks th stall door.

"I know you're in there." She yells "open up slut!"

"Leave me alone." She says

"I said open up." She yells kicking the door.

The door swings open hitting Sadie in the face.

"Oh" she groans clutching her nose.

"Get up slut!" Amy yells grabbing her by the shirt.

She pulls Sadie up and throws her onto the ground.

"Leave me alone." Sadie crys.

"Pin her." She says to her friends.

Her friends grab Sadie, rip her book bag off of her and pin her against the wall.

"Well well." She says, pointing to Sadie's member. "What do we have here?"

"Oh my god.".


"It's so big."

The girls tease.

"Let's see if the rumors are true then shall we?" She says.

Sadie's eyes widen.

"Take off her shirt." She says.

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now