Semen Sadie

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Sadie's G!p

You and Sadie are both juniors in high school

"Hey Semen Sadie" a girl says

Sadie just keeps walking.

"Sadieeee" she says following Sadie

"Jesus Amy what the fuck do you want?!" Sadie says turning around

"Oh... is little Semen Sadie mad?" She says getting in Sadie's face

"Stop calling me that." Sadie says back

"No thanks I like it. It's probably true too. I bet she goes home every night and jerks off." Amy says to her friends laughing

"Stop." Sadie says tearing up

"Awwwww." She says

Sadie looks at the floor.

Amy walks up to her and knees Sadie in the crotch.

Sadie yelps out in pain. Her hands instantly clutch her member.

"What the f-fucck Amy" she says in pain

"Byeeeeee." She says walking away.

Sadie grunts in pain. She quickly walks in the the woman's washroom.

When she gets into the stall she pulls down her trousers. She takes a deep breath. She pulls down her boxers letting her ten inch hang down.

As she stands in the stall looking at her member she begins to cry. She pulls up her boxers and trousers. She sits on the toilet seat and crys into her knees.

You enter the washroom and walk over to the window.

You look at the window that is about shoulder height and think 'perfect.'

You set your skateboard on the window sill and hop up. As you sit down, you grab your bag and search for your pot. When you find it, you hear someone crying in one of the stalls.

You look over and brush it off. You grab your lighter and take a hit. You feel the lightness travel through your body.

You take a deep exhale. Then you hear the girl in the stall gather her things.

The door opens, and you see the most beautiful girl you have ever seen.

"What are you looking at?" She says

"You." You say

"Wow. Smooth." She says sarcastically

"Wanna come sit down?" You ask

"I-" she starts

"Please its my first day and I have no idea what the fuck is going on with this school." You say.

"Fine." She says and walks over.

You scoot over leaving space for her on your board.

"Uhhh no." She says


"That could roll off the window. Ya know that right?" She says.

You hop down.

"You need help getting up princess?"

She blushes.

"I'll take that as a yes." You say

You grab her waist and lift her up to the window, setting her down on your board.

You hop up and join her. You take out your lighter and begin to take a hit. You look up.

"Does this make you nervous?" You say "because it's just pot it's not like I'm smoking meth or anything."

"I know what pot is" she says looking at you

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now