Broken Window Z.B.

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"Oh my god, look at him." You say.

"I know he is so fucking ugly." Ziggy says.

You two are hiding behind a tree spying on Nick.

"I'm Nick the king of sunnyvale." You mock.

"He's such a douche." Ziggy says.

Nick looks behind him, in the direction of where you two are hiding.

"Shit." Ziggy whispers and pulls you behind the tree.

You two smile at each other while hiding behind the tree. You two look back and see Nick flirting with Sheila.

"Come on." Ziggy says, grabbing your wrist. "It's not interesting anymore."

"I know." You say walking beside her. "I'm telling you, if those two were shadysiders, I would pay to get them killed by the curse first."

"Haha." She laughs as you two walk through the forest."Like you have any money, broke ass."

"Hey!" You say, acting offended. "I am a rich motherfucker."


"Oh yeah." You say "Definitely."

"Then who's mother are you fucking?" She jokes.

"Oh, you know the usual." You say, as you grab a tree branch and swing around it.

"I wish there was a way to earn some cash around here, though." Ziggy says

"Let's go on an adventure then." You say grabing her wrist.

You two jog through the forest. while you are running, you think of places you could steal money from.

"I bet you Nick's got a shit ton in his cabin." You say

"You wanna risk walking in on those two fucking if we go in there?" She says

"True." You say

"What about Alice and Arnie?" You say "I bet they have a shit ton of money from selling all that weed."

"Yeah y/n that's a great fucking idea." Ziggy says sarcastically. "We're gonna steal from the only two people we can get weed from around here?"

"You're right. You're right." You say. "They would prolly stop selling to us."

"They barely even sell to us." Ziggy says."we do shit for them, and they give us weed. That's definitely not a fair trade. We should be doing a lot more shit for the amount they give us."

"Hey, I'm not complaining." You say,"but I'm telling you those two are ritch."

"You're prolly right." She says "alot of people want the Devil's lettuce around here."

"Not me." You say

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, I'm a good Christian girl." You say,"I do Jesus's kale."

"You're an idiot." She says then stops in her tracks.

"What is it?" You say.

"The supply shed." She smirks." I bet there is something to do in there."

You guys run up to the shed, and Ziggy tries to open the door.

"Damn, it's locked." She says

"Window." You say pointing

There is a window on the side of the shed about six feet off the ground.

"Good idea dipshit." She says, jokingly slapping your ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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