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"hey ellie..."

"mamaa" the one year old girl runs up to her mother.

"hey ellie whats up my lovely?" sadie asks picking up her tiny daughter.


"yesss baby?" sadie asks

ellie giggles and gives sadie a hug.

"awhhh your so adorable ellie." she tickles ellie.

ellie screams and giggles as sadie tickles her. sadie looks at her adorable daughter and tickles her more.

"mammaaa." ellie laughs

"hm?" she kisses ellie on the cheek and sets her down on the floor.

"mommy." ellie mumbles "where mommy?"

"mommy went out to the store to get some groceries." sadie says looking down at the little girl. "she said she will be back soon dont worry. do you want some food babygirl?"

"want mommy." ellie frowns

"awwh baby mommy will be back soon okay?" sadie says kneeling down "dont worry mama is right here baby."

"mommyyy." ellie cries

"awh ellie dont cry mommy will be home soon okay? i promise." she says picking up the little girl.

ellie calms down and snuggles into sadies arms.

"cutie." she tickles ellies tummy. she then sits on the couch and cuddles with ellie in her arms.

Ellie hears the door open and looks over to see you walking into the house.

"Mommy!!" She yells running over to you.

"See ellie i told you mommy is here." She says As she watches her daughter run to her other mum.

"Mommyyy!" Ellie yells excitedly as you set down some groceries.

Ellie yells excitedly raising her arms up twords you wanting to be picked up. You pick up ellie and kiss her on the forhead

"Hi ellie girl." You say in a soft voice.

"Hi sades" you say looking over at Sadie.

"Hi babe." Sadie says waving back to you.

You throw ellie up into the air, she screams and kicks her legs. Sadie looks over and laughs. She watches as you catch her and she looks at ellie.

"Look at you el. You havin' fun?" Sadie asks as you set ellie down

"Funnnn" ellie yells running over to Sadie.

"Awwh baby come here." Sadie picks Ellie up.

"love mama." Ellie mumbles and snuggles into sadie.

Sadie kisses Ellie's forhead and hugs her.

"I love you too baby."

"Hey what about mommy?" You ask sitting down. "Do you love me ellie?"

Ellie giggles "love mommy." She says smiling up at you "love mama an mommy"

395 words.

Should I make a oneshot book that is just imagines of y/n, Sadie, and Ellie? I would make the first few chapters like the 'how Ellie came to be' idk maybe it's a stupid idea. You guys tell me if you want me to put those in a separate oneshot book.

I am developing a book in my head. So I want all of you to comment here whether you want it to be y/n and Sadie, y/n and Max, or y/n and ziggy. ALSO if you want it to be Max or zigs pls let me know if you want it to be og; so for Max tell me if you want all the upside-down stuff and for zigs tell me if you want the town curse. I will be taking a vote lol. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now