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"Sadie, I don't know about this, I really don't Ike horror movies."

"Don't worry, we don't have to watch it if you don't want to."

"No no no no. "You say. "It's okay, don't worry."

"Yes!!" Sadie pumps her fist

"AHA!" You scream as a jump scare comes on.

"You okay, baby?"

Yeah, I'm fine it's just that these jump scares are something else.

Later that night, you two are getting ready for bed.

"Did you like it?" She asks you as you crawl into bed.

"Yeah, it was good, I guess." You say. "I really liked Ritchie."

"I know he's so funny." She says. "Finn did such a good job."

"I still hate horror moves, though."

"You like Stranger Things..."

"That's different't, though." You protest

"How?"Sadie laughs

"Because my beautiful girlfriend is in it,"

"Okay," Sadie chuckles

Goodnight Sades

"Good night, baby."

The next day, you are at the beach with the next Sadie and your little sister Sammi.

"Y/N! Y/N Look!" Sammi yells

"Yeah. What's up Squirt? "You ask, turning around

"I made a sand castle,"

"Oh wow, that's awesome, Sammi."

"Will you take a picture and send it to momma?"

"Yeah, of course, baby." You say, standing up, going over to take a picture of her and her sand castle.

After you take the picture, you go back under the umbrella with Sadie.

"How did you sleep last night after the movie?" Sadie asks you

"Surprisingly good." You reply

"So, no nightmares?" She asks


"Awh, that's a shame." her voice becomes distorted.

"What?" You say.

"Sadie, part of my Castle fell over!" Sammi Says

"Awh, that's a shame," she says.

You look a bit dumbfounded as you stare at Sadie.

"You okay, baby?" Sadie asks

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need some water."


"Y/n. Y/n. Look!" Sammi calls out. "It floats! My boat floats in the moat!!!"

"That's awesome, kiddo." You say

"You should come with me, Y/n.."


"Come with me, Y/n..."


"You'll float." She says


"You'll Float Too..." She says. "We all float down there.."

"Sammi, stop, that's not funny." You say, "that movie already scared me enough yesterday."

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now