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You and sadie are both in high school. you aren't popular, but you have a few friends, sadie gets bullied a lot because she is poor.

"alright guys so the essay on the theroy of the alternate demension is due friday!" the teacher says.

the bell rings, and everyone gets out of the classroom. finally, it is the end of the day. you go to your locker and put your books away. you see, sadie walks by.

"hey south side sadie..." Owen says, coming up behind her

"Leave me alone." she says, opening her locker.

"Come on guys, let's go." he says

you leave the school and start to walk home, as you walk down the sidewalk twords your house you see the group of boys that bully Sadie. you hear a skateboard behind you, sadie goes by you on her board.

"Hey guys, look!" one of them say.

"Where you going south side?" Owen says "the homeless shlter is that way fag."

he sticks his hockey stick out in front of her board she goes flying and lands on the sidewalk hard.

"you might wanna go see a doctor for that south side." he says "oh wait that costs money i guess you cant"

he then grabs her already broken, runned down skateboard.

"owen no!" she says

he jumps on it hard. splitting it right in two.

"come on guys." he says and they all walk away.

you run up to sadie.

"go away owen!" she cries, sobbing into the ground.

"im not owen sadie." you say putting your hand on her shooulder.

"hm?" she says looking up. "oh hi y/n."

"jesus sadie!" you say lookig at her leg "are you okay?!"

"yeah im fine." she says trying to get up.

"no your not. here let me help you." you say and help her up.


"im taking you to my house" you say


"sadie your leg needs medical attention!" you say putting your arm around her shoulder, helping her walk. "Come on, my house is at the end of the street."

"Are you sure?"she says, bending down to grab the two pieces of her board.


"i can help you fix it if you want." You say

"no its fine," she says as you help her walk

"no really my brother skates he prolly has a tool or something." You say, looking at her

"Cute, but that's not how it works, y/n."

you look down and blush a bit.

"Why not?" You ask

"Because the deck is split in half, you can't fix that." she says as you walk into your driveway.

"Buy, you have used tape on it before." You say

"well yeah but that is for pieces that are not comeplely broken off." she chuckles

"Oh." You say, helping her onto the steps of your house.

"Thanks, though." she says as you open the door.

"You gonna get a new board?" You ask

"Oh," she laughs. "i wish we couldn't afford a new one."

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now