Slip pt4.

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"Heyyyy babyyyy." She says.

"Hiiii." You say sleepily.

She runs over to you and gives you a long passionate kiss. You wrap your arms around her neck to deepen the kiss and you two begin to make out.

"Ahem." Cindy clears her throat.

You two pull away quickly. Sadie takes a step away from the bed. You look down and see a glimpse of a bulge in her trousers.

You silently chuckle.

"You are you feeling y/n?" She asks.

"I'm feeling good." You say, as you watch Sadie's slight bulge flatten out.

"I'm Cindy." She says "I'm your nurse."

"Hi cindy." You say.

"If you need anything just press the call button okay." She says. "I'll leave you two alone."

She walks twords the door.

"Oh we have cameras by the way." She chuckles.

"Cindy?!" Sadie says.

She laughs and closes the door.

"I missed you baby." She says giving you a hug.

"I'm sorry." You say.

"It's not your fault." She says.

"I can't imagine what you have been through and El's." You start.

"Wait where is Ellie?!." You say sitting up.

"Woah woah calm down." She says. "She is with Millie."

"Oh okay." You relax.

"You scared me babe." She says.

"I know I'm sorry." You say.

"Come here." She says and reaches over to pull you into a hug.

At about noon Millie comes over with Ellie.


Hey just got here. 104 right?

         Mhmm I'll meet u outside the door.

Sadie goes outside your room and sees Millie walking with Ellie.

As soon as she sees sadie she let's go of Millie's hand and runs to her. Sadie kneels down and Ellie runs into her arms.

"Mamaaaaa." She yells.

"Shhhh. Inside voice please." Sadie says.

"Ohh okay." She says

"Thank you pumpkin."Sadie says

"Where's Mommy where's Mommy?" She says jumping up and down.

"She's Inside." Sadie says "but we have some rules okay?"

"Okay." Ellie says excitedly.

"Alright capitan Sink before we go on a blast off the camander has some space rules." She says in a deep voice.

"What are the rules mama?" Ellie laughs.

"We're going into space to visit someone verrrrryyyy special." She says.

"Uh huh."

"But her brain is still a little dizzy." She says "So we need to be quiet so we don't make Mommy more dizzy okay?"

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