Sick (Ellie's version) pt2

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"Maamaaa!" Ellie yells.

Sadie jolts awake and runs into her daughter's room. as soon as she turns the lamp on her eyes widden.

Ellie is sitting up in her crib crying, covered in spit up.

"Awww baby." Sadie says walking over to her.

"Mamaaa!" She screams tears streaming down her face.

"Hey shhhh it's okay." She says picking her up.

"Maammmaa." Ellie cries.

"It's okay baby." Sadie says trying to comfort her.

Ellie screams and grabs onto Sadie.

"Hey, heyyy what's wrong?" Sadie says worriedly.

Ellie spits up all over Sadie and cries.

"Awww baby." Sadie says rubbing her back.

Ellie caughs and buries her face in Sadie's chest.

"Come on baby." Sadie says walking to the washroom.

Ellie screams, terrified, no idea what is going on. She won't let go of Sadie.

"Baby I need to get you into the bath." Sadie says.

"Nooo!" Ellie screams.

"Babyyyy." Sadie says feeling bad.

"Mamaaa" She cries out.

"Shhhh it's okay." Sadie says.

"Mama." She says starting to calm down.


"I don't feel good." She sniffles.

"I know baby." She says walking into Ellie's room.

Sadie gets her changed into a new onesie and takes off her shirt covered in Ellie's spit up.

She grabs Ellie's onesie and her shirt. She pulls the bedding off Ellie's crib. Sadie grabs a plastic bag. She puts the bedding, Ellie's teddies, her shirt and the onesie in the bag.

"Come here babe." Sadie says picking her up off the changing table.

Sadie walks downstairs and puts everything in the wash. Ellie rests her head on Sadie's chest and begins to relax.

Sadie walks upstairs with a sleeping Ellie in her arms. Sadie lays Ellie on your bed and throws on a shirt.

Wifey Sades❤️🍆

Darling🩷Awwwww how cute

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Awwwww how cute.
Why are you up so late?

Wifey Sades ❤️ 🍆
Ellie spit up
Like everywhere

Awww poor girl.

Wifey Sades ❤️ 🍆
I feel so bad
She was terrified had no idea what was happening

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