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"Alright guys were gonna board the plane now." Matt says standing outside next to the plane.

You guys all walk up the stairs onto the plane. Noah sits with millie obviously, Maya and Natalia sit together, Gaten and Joe sit together. Since you are relatively new to the cast you sit alone because you feel kinda awkward.

Sadie sits alone a few rows away from you. As the plane begins move you start to feel anxious.

You close your eyes and your chest starts to rise and fall quickly. Your fists clench as the plane takes off. You feel your anxiety level rise and you feel a panic attack begin.

"No no no no no." You whisper to yourself.

Suddenly you feel a warm hand over yours.

"Shh it's okay." She whispers.

You realize it's Sadie. Your chest continues to rise and fall rapidly.

"Shhhh hey hey." She whispers calmly.

She puts her arm around your shoulder and holds you close.

"Shhh Y/n" she whispers "I'm right here it's okay."

You start to feel a little better. She buckles her seat belt and moves the arm rest up.

"Shhh it's okay." Sadie says pulling you closer to her.

Your breathing slows and you quickly pull her into a little side hug. She wraps her arms around you and rubs your back as you bury your face in her chest.

"Shhh it's okay." She says rubbing your back. "We're almost up."

The plane gets to crusing altitude and you begin to calm down. You come to your senses.

I am hugging Sadie mother fucking Sink.

"I'm so sorry." You say quickly pulling away

"It's okay." She says adjusting herself in her seat. "Flying sucks don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?" You ask. "I barely know you and I basically snuggled into your chest."

"No no it's okay." She says,"Do you want me to stay."

"Yes please." You say quickly nodding your head

"Okay." She chuckles "lemme grab my stuff."

She grabs her stuff and brings it back over. Your playing with your hands anxiously.

"Hey you okay?" She asks sitting down.

"Mhmm." You say nervously.

"Don't lie to me y/l/n." She says.

You feel your stomach turn. Sadie Sink just called me by my last name?!

"I just really don't like flying." You say turning away from her.

A tear runs down your cheek.

"I'm sorry." You sob.

"Hey hey." She says realizing your crying. "It's okay come here."

She wraps her arms around you from the back. You snuggle into her.

"It's okay I'm right here." She says.

The seat belt light goes off. *ding*

You jolt a bit.

"It's okay." She says "it's just the light."

You turn around and snuggle into her chest. She runs her fingers through your hair and you start to drift off to sleep.

She looks at you and sees you peacefully sleeping.

"Looks like your wish came true Sades." Millie says.

"Shut up Millie!" She whispers turning her head "It's not like that she gets flying anxiety."

"Okay sure." She mocks.

"She doesn't like me like that Millie." Sadie says.

"If you say so.." Millie says.

"Aghh." She whispers.

After a few hours you wake up in Sadie's arms. You feel the plane starting to go down to land. You jolt.

Sadie hold you close. "Shhh it's okay." She says.

Once you get off the plane Matt and Ross give you instructions.

"Alright you guys head to your rooms and we will meet in the lobby at 7 okay?"

Everyone gives an agreeing yes and heads to their rooms.

You get to your room and your phone vibrates.


You missed the view cuz you were sleeping

You missed the view cuz you were sleeping

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Sorry about the cuddling

Nah it's okay
It was cute

You wanna come over yo my room?

Yes ma'am

You blush and let out an exited squeal.

A few minutes later you hear a nock.


You open the door for her and she looks you up and down. You grab her collar and pull her into your room.

You shut the door and pin her against it. She breathes heavily and looks shocked.

"I'm so sorry i-" You start

She grabs your chin and smashes her lips into yours.

There will be a pt2

726 words.

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now