The Popular Girl

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TW homophobic angst

A request from Pheobeb35

You and Sadie are both in high school. Her and her friends are all popular. You and Sadie are kind of friends. The popular girls bully you a lot, but Sadie doesn't know.

You walk into school preparing for a horrible day. You didn't sleep at all last night. The house next door was throwing a huge house party. You walk up to your locker and put in the combination. You open the door and set your backpack down. You reach up to the top and grab one of your books. You reach down and put it in your backpack.

Suddenly, the locker door slams shut. You jump and see Jaya and her friends standing there. You roll your eyes and put in your locker combo again. As you pull on the lever and open it, she slams the door shut again.

“Do you have a problem?!” You say

“Oh she speaks.” she says.

“Jaya, just leave me alone.” You say "I'm tired. i didn't sleep last night.”

“Oh I didn't know you were at my party last night.” she says sarcastically. “Oh wait, you weren't because I didn't invite you.”

“Jaya, just leave it, okay?” You say

“So if you weren't partying last night, what were you doing?” Jaya says.

“Probably sitting in her room pleasuring herself because she can't get anyone to do it for her.” one of her friends says.

“Yeah everyone knows she's gay.” another one says.

“I mean, look at her. Not even the lesbians can go that low.” One says

“Hey stop that!” Jaya says, looking back “Don't talk about that disgusting homo shit. You know I don't like that.”

“Guys leave me alone, and please stop.” you say.

“Come on, girls.” Jaya says.

While walking past you, she grabs your backpack and dumps it on the floor. After a few seconds, you see Sadie walk in through the front door.

“Oh hey y/n.” she says “What happened to your bag?”

“Oh nothing, I just dropped it.” You lie.

“Do you want some help picking it up?” she asks.

“No it's alright.” you say.

“Okay then.” she says. “See you in biology.”

She then sees Jaya and her friends and then runs up to them. She walks away with them. You can't help but think how nice Sadie is. Why does she hang out with them? Doesn't she know that they are all bullies?

You pick up all of your stuff off the floor and grab the rest from your locker. You shut the locker door as the bell rings and head to biology. You and Sadie sit next to each other in bio, that's how you met. You are typically lab partners because you are table partners, so you two have become acquaintances.

About thirty minutes into the class, you get up and ask to go to the bathroom. You head out of class and into the hall. You turn the corner and trip over something, you eat shit. You look up and see Jaya smirking at you.

“Oh no, did you fall?” she says

You roll your eyes at her.

“Do you need help with that dumbo?”

She calls you dumbo because she thinks you have big ears. She knows you hate this nickname because you are insecure about them.

“No, I don't need help up, Jaya.” You say getting up.

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now