Blind As A Bat C.B.

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Constance Berman.

“Pastor miller blind as a bat.” You call sing in a circle. “Pastor miller blind as a bat.”

“Tried to read the bible, and his eyes went splat!” You all say, turning towards him.

“Oh but I see you.” he says

You look at constance with a grin

“I've got eyes in the back of my head!” he says, running towards all of you.

The children scream and run away. You look at Constance, and both smile.

“Don't be a bratt constance.” Abby says, grabbing her arm.

“Don't be shrew Abigail.” she says back, rolling her eyes.

“Sarah!” Abby says

“The fool moon rises before nightfall.”

“A good night to enjoy the fruits of the land”

“I'm comin too!” constance says

“No, you're not.” Abby replies.

“Fine, then I'm telling Mother.” Constance says.

“You tell mother, and I'll cut your braids right off your head!” Abby says and pulls constance away

“Don't be getting us into trouble.” Abby says. “You know what mother will do!”

“Abby!” You call catching up to them.

“Yes y/n?” she asks, turning around.

“May Constance and I venture out into the woods?” You ask

“Why are you two wishing to go into the woods?” she questions.

“Well..” You say

“We found some wild flowers, and we were wishing to collect them.” Constance says.

“I um.” Abby stutters.

“Please Abby.” Constance says “we will return before nightfall.”

Abby hesitantly looks around to make sure no one is listening.

“Alright.” she whispers “but don't go past Solomon Goode’s do you hear me?”

“Yes abigail.” You both say and start to walk off.

“If I find out you were the cause of anything bad..”

“We're as good as dead.” You both say, not looking back.

You two run through the settlement side by side.

“Alderman good.” You say nodding to him.

“Slow down, girls!” he calls out.

“Yes sir!” You both call out and slow down to a walk.

You two grin at each other and walk towards the edge of the settlement. You both see Thomas stumble out of the outhouse.

“Where are you two going?” he cackles.

“None of your business, thomas.” constance says.

“Constance!” You whisper

“I can see a secret about you girls.” he says, grabbing your wrists.

"You must be busy." You say to him.

“Pretty girl, good girl.” he says, getting close to your face

“Be still, thomas!” constance yells and pushes him off of you

“I can see the darkness in the both of you!” he cackles.

Constance grabs your hand, and you two run out into the field. You both run hand in hand into the forest.

“Did you hear him?” constance says.

“Pretty girl, good girl” you say, mocking him.

You both laugh.

“Come on.” You say

You both run along the river laughing. You grab her hand as you run along. You two run through the forest. You slow down near a big rock.

“What are we doing?” constance says

“I do not know.” You say “But it feels so right.”

She smiles at you and pulls you closer. You grab each other's hands and stand inches away from each other. You lean your foreheads against each other.

“This is wrong.” she says.

“Then how come it feels so right?” You say tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

You wrap your arms around her neck.

“y/n.” she says, grabbing your shoulder. “This is wrong.”

You take her face into your palms.

“Tell me to stop, and i shall.” You say leaning in close.

“y/n.” she whispers.

“Do you wish me to stop constance?” you say, looking her in the eyes

“No.” she whispers.

You place your lips onto hers. You start kissing each other passionately. You both pull away for breath.

“This is so wrong.” she laughs, pulling a strand of your hair behind your ear.

“It feels so right.”

“I'm aware.” she chuckles, grabbing your hand.

You two run through the forest, back to the settlement, not a care in the world, completely in love, not aware that everything will change the next day.

678 words.

If you guys want a pt2 lmk

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