Kissing Lessons

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A request from _m0rii_

you and sadie have been dating for a while but have never kissed. she has no idea why but dosnt really mind. the reaon is because you have never kissed anyone before.

"hey baby." sadie says comming into your flat.

you gave her a key to your flat over a month ago because she always comes over.

"hi babe." you say.

she comes up to you and gives you a kiss on the cheek.  you give her a kiss back, on the cheek of course.

"hey baby?' she asks


"how come we have never..."

"never what"?

"never kissed"

"oh." you say looking down.

"no hey its okay." she says cupping your face in her palms.

"im sorry."

"its okay" she says pulling you into a hug.

"its just." you say

"no its okay." she says "i know your last girlfriend was a bitch."

"no its not that." you say "ive never."

"never what?"

"ive never kissed anyone, before." you stutter

"oh." she looks down

"i-  should go..." you stutter.

"hey no," she stands up and grabs your hand "i can teach you if you want..."

"um..." you look at the floor.

"here its easy ill show you." she pulls you closer. ''come here.''

she pulls you closer, and rests her forhead against her.

"can i kiss you you?" you ask

"yes." she whispers.

she leans in and places her lips onto yours. you dont kiss back at first so you pull away

"i dont know how..."

"do you wanna try again?" she asks "just move your lips against mine okay just feel it. okay?"


she places her lips back onto yours. she starts kissing you with a passion. you kiss back. you both pull away after a few seconds.

"wow..." you gasp

"yeah wow." she says.

"so..." you say "do you wanna kiss more often?"

"yes please" she says

"i love you sadie." you say

"i love you too y/n." she says

329 words

hope yall liked it, i forgot to post today so i whipped this up really quick lol.

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