Im Here.

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A request from Slvt_for_girls

You come home from a long day at work as a nurse and are exhausted. You cleaned up puke, you had to take a bunch of vitals and then were asked to stay an extra four hours because they were understaffed.

You put the keys in the lock and unlock the door to your flat.

“Sades” you call out “Im home”

“Hi baby!” she says cheerfully you come in the door and set down all your stuff.

You take off your shoes and your jacket. You then grab your bag and hand it up on the rack. You then sluggishly walk over to the couch and flop down, exhausted.

“You okay baby?” she asks.

“Mmm” you humm

“Are you okay?” she says coming into the living room.

You lay down on the couch, and close your eyes. You just lay there and try to relax. Sadie comes up to you.

“Are you okay?” she says, kneeling down next to you.

You stay there with your eyes closed. She puts her hand on your shoulder.

“Are you okay?” she asks calmly

“Hmmm?” you ask

“Are you okay?” she asks

“Yeah im okay just really fucking tired.” you sigh

“Come here baby.” she says pulling you into a hug. “Do you wanna go upstairs and cuddle?”

“Mhmm” you mumble

“Okay let's go” she says standing up

“Carry me” you say “ i don't have the energy to walk.”

“Oh my god” she says, picking you up.

You wrap your arms around her neck and your legs around her waist. She holds your legs and walks through the house to the stairs. She carries you up the stairs and walks up to your bedroom.

She then lays you down on the bed and crawls under the covers with you. You snuggle into her and start to drift off to sleep. You fall asleep in Sadie’s arms, you feel extremely safe and comfortable.

322 words.

Okay okay ik its a short one but i really need to get through these requests. I think i have about three more and then i will be back to 1000-2000 words. Love you all!!

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