Slip pt3

729 28 18

Unknown caller.

"Hello?" She asks sleepily.

"Hi, is this Sadie Sink?"


"This is Izabella from the hospital." She says.

Sadie quickly sits up.


"We have some news, Miss Sink."

"Oh my god, is she dead?" Sadie gasps.

"No, no, no," the woman says. "She woke up about an hour ago."

"Oh my god, really?" Sadie says a tear running down her face.

"You can come in at 9 when visiting hours start."

"Oh my god, thank you. I'll be right over."

"9am miss sink." She chuckles. "You're not breaking anymore visiting hours."

"Thank you." She says and hangs up.

Sadie walk down stairs and sees millie sitting with Ellie having breakfast.

Millie looks up at her, and Sadie gives her a "shhhh" face.

She stomps up behind Ellie.

"Rawrrrr." She says and starts tickling the little girl.

She screams and starts giggling.

"Mammaaaa." She yells when she sees its Sadie.

"Come here, baby." Sadie says, taking Ellie out of her chair.

Ellie gives Sadie a big hug. She kisses the top of the littles girls head and runs her fingers through her hair.


"Yes, pumpkin?" She says.

"Where's Mommy?"

"Mommy's at the doctors baby."

"Is she okay?" She asks, looking up at her mother.

"Yes, baby." Sadie says with a smile. "She's okay."

"What happened, Mama?"

"I'll tell you." She says, sitting at the counter next to Millie.

She sits Ellie on the counter facing Sadie.

"Mommy had a little slip." Sadie said.

"Why did she go to the doc- doct." She struggles

"The doctor's?" Sadie says with a smile.


"Because Mommy's little slip turned into a big slip."

"When is she coming home?" Ellie asks her lip, trembling.

"I don't know love." Sadie says, rubbing her back.

"Mamma." She cries and lunges into Sadie's arms."I miss Mommy."

"Awww baby." Sadie says, holding the little girl. "I know you do El's."

"Is she going bye-bye?" Ellie cries, tears running down her face.

"No, no." Sadie says, feeling bad. "She's not going bye-bye. She's gonna come back, don't worry, pumpkin."

"Why did she go to the drocors, and I didn't?" She says, calming down.

"The what?" Sadie chuckles, holding Ellie out in front of her.

"The droctors." She says.

"Oh haha." Sadie laughs.

"Oh my gosh." Millie laughs.

"When Mommy slipped she bumped her head." Sadie tries to explain.

"Like a boo boo?"

"Yes but she has a big boo boo." Sadie says. "When she bumped her head her brain got a little dizzy."

"Like when you spin." Ellie says smiling.

"Yeah, exactly, and when your brain gets bumped really hard and gets too dizzy, it needs a break." She says "So Mommy's brain went to sleep."

"Like a nap?" She says.

"Kind of." Sadie says.

"So why didn't she come home with you?"

"Well Mommy's brain got really dizzy so she needed a big break."

"When is her break over mama?" Ellie asks.

"Her break ended this morning baby." She says.

"Can we go see her?" Ellie asks.

"I'm gonna go and see her right now and Millie is gonna take you later okay?"

"But I want to see her now!" She crosses her arms.

"Hey, hey." Sadie says. "Take a deep breath."

Sadie models a breath and Ellie follows.

"I'm gonna go now and you will get to see her later today okay?" She says.

"Okayyy.." Ellie says.

"Okay." She says with a smile. "Come here baby"

She picks up the little girl and gives her a hug and a kiss.

"Be good for aunt Millie okay?" She says.


"I love you baby." She says.

"I love you mama."

"Millie I'm gonna take your car so you can have the car seat when you take El's." She says to Millie.

"Okay." She says.

Sadie sets the little girl back down in her chair and gives Millie a hug. She grabs Millie's keys and heads twords the door.

"Mills remember the pinch test for the car seat okay?" She says.

"Yes sades I remember." She says. "Go see y/n."

Sadie leaves and Millie grabs her phone.

Sadie drives to the hospital and walks in the front door

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Sadie drives to the hospital and walks in the front door.

Without even looking up the receptionist knows it's Sadie.

"It's 8:54 miss sink." She says pointing to the clock."

"I know I know." She says.

"How's your daughter?" She asks.

"Good She's good."

"I imagine it was hard for her not seeing her mama for almost 3 days." She says looking up.

"What?! I went home to see her both nights." She says with a smile.

"Good." She says "That's the right answer miss sink."

She grabs a sticker and writes

Sadie S.

She hands the tag to Sadie.

"Room 104." She says.

"Thank you!" Sadie says and runs off.

She finds your room and walks in. Her face lights up when she sees you sitting there awake.

"Heyyyy babyyyy." She says.

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now