The Test pt2. M.M

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Hawkins Indiana April 1997

"It started as a prank and ended in murder." Max says "fantastic choice"

"Umm, okk.."the woman says

"They are going to be making it into a movie. I can't wait for it to come out." Max starts ranting to the customer."I mean The Wrong Number is a classic piece of horror literature and it-"

"I was looking for a movie that is already out dear." She says

"Oh, right, sorry. Well, we have movies here. We are, after all, a family vide-"

The phone rings.

"Give me one second ma'am," she says. "Feel free to look around."

"Hi, this is family video in hawkins. How can I help yo-" She says

"Babe?" You say into the phone

"Y/n?!" She says

"Max, my water broke." You say nervously.

She chuckles then realizes. "Oh shit your being serious?!"

The woman hears this and looks at Max.

"Ok, uhh, what we do?" She says frantically

"Come pick me up and take me to the hospital, babe." You say in pain

"Are you ok?" She asks nervously

"Max, I'm in labor it's normal for it to hurt." You say having a contraction.

"Uhh okk shit fuck uhh I'm on my way um." She stammers"breathe?"

"Not helpful baby." You say

"Ok I'm on my way I love you bye." She says and hangs up

"You talk that way to a customer?!" The woman says

"My girlfriends in labor." Max says To her

"Oh that's nice of you to give your friend a ride to the hospital." She says

"She not.. nevermind" Max says

She looks around frantically

"STEVEEEE!" Max calls out

"Jesus what?!" He says coming out from the back

"Y/n's in labor." She say

"Oh shi- Go go." He says frantically "I'll be there as soon as I close ok?"

"Thank you bye Steve. I love you." She says running to the door

"I love you too Max. Be careful!" He calls out

Max jumps in the car and speeds home. She parks the car illegally next to the stairs and runs, leaving the keys in the ignition.

She runs up the stairs and busts into your shared apartment. She sees you in pain having a contraction.

"Let's go come on" she says running over to you.

She helps you out of the apartment and down the stairs. You see the security officer standing by your car.

"Officer I'm sorry I know I'm parked illegally but my girlfriends in labor." She calls to him.

"Oh I'm sorry." He says "do you guys need any help?"

"No I think we're good" you say

"Congratulations you guys." He says

"Thank you sir" Max says helping you into the passenger seat.


"Congratulations" the nurse says "You have a healthy baby girl."

You and Max both gasp. You see her beginning to tear up.

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