Slip pt2

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"Y/NNNNN!" she cries as they close the door.

They find out your in critical condition. When you fell and hit your head you got a concussion.

They put stitches on your head and hooked you up to a bunch of machines.

At 4pm about 6 hours after you go to the hospital one of the doctors comes up to Sadie.

She stands up "is she okay?"

"Miss Sink please sit down."

"Is she okay?" She says sitting down.

"Y/n has a severe concussion and is currently still unconscious."

"Oh my god." She cries.

"We're thinking she is in a coma."

Sadie starts to cry.

"Don't worry miss Sink it's only a minor coma we expect her to wake up within a few days."

"Can I see her?" She says.


They take her to your room where you are unconscious on the bed.

"Oh baby" she says grabbing your hand.

She stays with you the entire day and doesn't leave your side.

A nurse nocks on the door.

"Heyyyy..." She says

"Hey Cindy." Sadie says with a yawn.

"Sadie visiting hours are over."


"Sadie it's 9pm." She says "I let you stay an extra hour."

"Please can I stay with her tonight?" She pleads.

"Huhhh." She sighs "Alright just don't tell anyone."

"Thank you so much" she yawns.

"Get some sleep Sadie you look like hell." She chuckles


Sadie stays up all night and doesn't let herself fall asleep.

Hey sades. How's y/n?

I just put Ellie to bed lmk if you need anything okay?

I'm going to bed I'm sleeping in the guest room. Call me In the morning.

We're making pancakes for breakfast.

                                                            8:14am                                                      Sades💚💛              Hey Mills sryy for not answering

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Hey Mills sryy for not answering

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now