Drunk Fight.

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A request from isimisimisim12


“Kara can we go home im tired as fuck” you slur out

“Oh shit” she says, realizing how drunk you are. “let's get you home y/n.”

“Go homeee!” you say

“Let's get you in the car.” she says.

She drives you home and drops you off. You hobble into the house.

"Hey babe." Sadie says from the living room.

"Bitch." You say to yourself.

You walk drunkenly into the house.

"Hi babe.." Sadie says again.

You put your hand up and brush her off.

"Um.." She says "Okay…."

You walk into the kitchen and flop down on a seat at the counter.

“Well?” sadie says

“The fuck do you want?” you slur out.

“Excuse me?!” she says

“You're excused.” you slur out

“You've got a stick up your ass y/n.” she says annoyed

“Oh really i didnt fucking notice.” you sarcastically

“Okay what the hell?” she says, raising her voice.

“What did I do now?” you say.

“What is up with you?” she says standing up.

“What the fuck do you mean ‘Whats up with you’ you sound like a bitch you know that?” you say

“Alright what the fuck is going on with you?!” she yells “what the fuck did I do? I'll tell you what, absolutely nothing because I've been home all day, and you've been at that stupid party.”

“Oh yeah your just gonna fucking yell at me?” you yell. “Sadie, you need to stop acting like such a bitch!”

“What?!” she scoffs.

“I said you need to stop acting like such a bitch.”

“Call me a bitch again.” she says sternly. “Do it. Call me a bitch again.”

“You're acting like a…” you say nervously. “Like a bad girlfriend.”

“Yeah” she scoffs “knew you didn't have the balls to do it.”

This makes you angry all over again.


She turns around and glares at you.

“Okay i dont know what the fuck happened but dont take it out on me okay?” she says.

“I'm not fucking taking it out on you okay?” you say “your just being a fucking bitch sadie. I don't know why I ever started to date you in the first place.”

Her mouth opens wide and a tear runs down her cheek.

“W-what?” she says starting to cry.

“Yeah you heard me.” you say “ i dont know why the fuck i even started dating you.”

She breaks down crying and runs upstairs.

“Yeah be a fucking pussy.” you slur out “run away and fucking cry about it like you always do!”

“Leave me alone y/n!” she cries from upstairs.

“Yeah whatever.” you slur out.

You walk to the door and slam it behind you. You walk out to the front porch and look at the car. You fumble around your pockets to try to find your keys. You sigh and give up when you realize you don't have them. You walk off the porch and into the street of your neighborhood.

You walk along the street and begin to sob, realizing what you have said.

“Why did I say that?” you say to yourself “im such a bitch.”

You continue to walk along the road and get deeper and deeper into your neighborhood. As it gets darker by the second but you don't care you keep walking.

Sadie gets up from the bed and looks out the window. She starts to get worried as she realizes it's dark.

“Oh my god where is she?!” she says worriedly. “It's pitch black outside. She could be lost, or dead, plus she is wasted.”

Sadie instantly forgets that she is mad at you and runs downstairs. She opens the front door.

She sees your car.

“Okay at least she didn't drive.” she says worriedly.

She grabs her keys and rushes to her car. She gets in her car and begins to panic.

“How am I even gonna find her?” she says to herself. “Find my phone!”

She pulls out her phone and opens the app.

“Damn it, her phones dead.” she says.

You hobble along the road and see the house. You stumble into the driveway and fall onto your hands and knees.

“y/n?!” sadis says

She jumps out of her car and sees you laying on the ground.

“Baby are you okay?!” she says putting one of her hands on your shoulder.

“Mnmm” you mumble.

“Baby?!” she says

“I don't feel good.” you say.

“I know. I know baby. I know.” she says. “Here, come here.”

She picks you up and you wrap your legs around her waist. She carries you towards the front door.

“Sadie“ you gag out.


You throw up on her shoulder.

“Oh god?!” she says.

“I'm sorry.” you sob

“No, no it's okay.” she says. “Let's get you inside.”

She carries you inside and gets you in the bath. She then helps you bathe yourself. After your bath she picks you up, dries you off, carries you into the bedroom, gets you dressed, and tucks you in bed.

“Sadie?” you sob

“Hm?” she says turning around

“I'm sorry.” you cry. “I'm such a bitch”

“No. Hey, Hey come here,” she says walking over to you.

“I don't know why I said all that shit.” you cry

“ hey it's okay i know you didn't mean them.” she says sitting down next to you.

“I know I didn't mean them.” you cry “But i still said them.”

“Hey it's okay, you were drunk when you said that.” she says “you are still drunk baby.”

“I'm so sorry.” you cry into her shoulder

“Come here,” she says, pulling you into a hug.

You snuggle into her and eventually she lays down. You cuddle into her and lay on her chest. Not after 5 minutes you fall asleep.

You faintly hear Sadie whisper “I love you baby, but I'll never let you go to a party without me ever again.”

She then kisses the top of your head and snuggles into you and she falls asleep.

1010 words.

Okay I hope you guys liked this one. I tried to make it as long as i could, ik it's only around 1000 words but i really needed to get to this request. I'm trying] to start posting daily again! Love you all!!!

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