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"Oh my god, I'm gonna die." You moan laying down on the couch, practically naked.

"Same." Sadie groans, lying face down on the hardwood floor.

"What's the temperature?" You ask

She grabs her phone off the floor and takes a look.

"40." (104° F) She groans

"Oh my goddddd." You say.

"Do you want some ice water?" She asks without looking up.

"Yeah, I'll get us some." You say getting up from the couch.

As you stand up, you feel dizzy. You brush it off because it's probably just the heat. You walk into the kitchen in just your sports bra and underwear.

You grab two glasses and fill them with water after packing a bunch of ice in them.

As you walk back into the living room, you start to feel really dizzy and lightheaded.

"I just need to drink water and sit down." You think

You suddenly feel like you're gonna pass out.

"Y/NNNNN," Sadie says, still face down on the floor. "Water, please, I'm gonna dieeee."

"Sadie?!" You mumble, stumbling around.

"Hm?" She says, looking up.

"I don't feel so good....."

You collapse and fall to the floor, spilling the water all over the floor in the process.

"Y/n?!" She says frantically, getting up. "Baby, are you okay?!"

She rushes over twords you and kneels down. She grabs you under your arms and pulls you half onto her lap.

"Baby. Hey, wake up." She says, gently hitting your cheek with her palm.


"Babe, wake up." She says, shaking uou slightly.


"Y/N." She raises her voice and shakes your shoulder.


"Shit, oh my god." She says nervously to herself

She scoots over towards the spilled water on the floor, you still laying on her, unconscious.

She puts her hands in the water and wets your face.

"Y/n wake up." She says nervously.


"BABY." She yells, frantically trying to wake you up.

She gets up and runs to the kitchen. She grabs an ice pack and a cold glass of water. She then runs back into the living room in just her boxers and a sports bra. She almost slips in the water on the floor.

She sits down next to you and pulls you onto her lap. She puts the ice pack around the back of your neck and begins to wet your face with the water from the glass.

"Baby, please wake up." She says, starting to tear up.

You flinch slightly and gradually wake up. You slowly open your eyes and see Sadie hovering over you, the most worried look on her face.

"Baby?" You ask, still feeling dizzy.

"Oh my god, y/n." She says "Baby are you okay?"

"Mhmm." You mumble. "What happened?"

"You overheated and passed out." She says.

"Aghgghh." You groan.

"Are you hurt?" She asks."Did you hit your head."

"Mnm no." You groan trying to sit up.

Sadie helps you sit up and leans you against the couch.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Mhmm." You mumble

"You scared me y/n." She says.

"I'm sorry." You say still waking up.

"It's not your fault." She says, rubbing your shoulder. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, much better, thank you."

She stays with you the entire rest of the day and doesn't leave your side for a second. Even when you are using the toilet. Once the sun sets, the heat decreases, and you two sit on the couch and watch a movie.

578 words.

Alright, guys, I'm hopefully going to get back into the rhythm of posting at least once a day. SUGGESTIONS ARE OPEN ❤️ 💙

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