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"Hey baby, how are you doing?" Sadie asks

"I'm good, i guess." You sigh

"You guess? What's wrong, cutie?"

"Nothing, but will you come and sit with me?" You ask laying on the bed.

"Only if you cuddle me,"

"Deal," you sigh

"Now come here, cutie."

You cuddle, sadie

Sadie cuddles her as she rests her head on Y/n's chest, looking up at her

"You're cute when you cuddle me, love,"

"Mhmm," you sigh

"I love you." Sadie kisses the side of your neck


"Do you not love me?"

"I do,"

Sadie smiles and kisses you

"I love you more,"

"Do we have to play the 'who loves who more game' right now?"

"Yes! And you're gonna lose, so I get a victory kiss, too. "

You sigh

Sadie pouts

"You're so cute when you pout, baby."

you turns around, scoots away from sadie, laying down on the bed, back faced twords Sadie

Sadie pouts even more

"Come back here, baby."

“No. Stop sadie." You sobs

Sadie sits up and pulls you into a hug.

"Hey, it's okay, love. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's fine."

"Talk to me, tell me what's wrong,"

"It's nothing," y/n says, a teer running down her cheek.

"Baby, I'm sorry, but it isn't nothing. I want to know what's on your mind. "

Sadie wipes your tears away

"Look at me, please,"

you look at the ground

"I- I can't," you cries

"Shhh...come here baby, everything will be okay." Sadie opens her arms again,

"Come here, I want to hold you."

you crawls into Sadie's lap and cries into her shoulder

"It's okay, babe. Come here and let it all out. Nobody will hurt you when I'm here."

Sadie holds you close and rubs your back

"I love you so much."

you cries

"That's it, it's okay."

Sadie continues to comfort you, rubbing your back and rubbing your cheek

"Do you want to talk now? I'm right here to listen to you. "

"I'm sorry." You cries

Sadie kisses the top of your head and rubs your back

"You have nothing to be sorry about love. Just talk to me."

"My parents found out that we are dating." You cries

Sadie's face drops as she holds you close to her

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now