Prank Gone Wrong

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"Hey guys, it's Y/n!!" You say to the camera. "But you already know that because you are watching my youtube channel. So im going to do a really cruel prank on my girlfriend Sadie today."

"I have been getting so many requests to do extreme pranks on her, so today ima do a drowning prank." You chuckle

"So Sadie is out right now, and she's gonna be back soon, so im gonna text her."

hey, sades, im out in the pool if you want to come in through the gate.

The Real Slim Sadie 💦
alright, see you in 5 muah.

"All right, so she is on her way." You say, "So I have hidden the camera, and im gonna go lay in the pool. The gate to the backyard is around a little corner, so i will have a few seconds before she sees me."

You walk over and get in the pool. you thumbs up to the camera and float face down, you keep your head above water so you can breathe.

A few minutes later, you hear the gate open. you take a deep breath and put your face in the water, you float there.

"Hey babe," Sadie says, walking in and sees you in the pool.

She does a double take.

"Y/n?" She asks."Holy shit babe!"

She jumps in the water and grabs you. She flips you on your back as she holds you.

"Y/n baby!" she yells, trying to wake you. "Baby, wake up!"

Tou let her freak out for a few more seconds before you open your eyes and spit water in her face.

You start laughing.

"Y/n thats not fucking funny!" she says pushing you away.

"sadieeee." you laugh

"babe im fully clothed!" she says getting out of the pool.

"its what the people wanted." you say getting out of the pool

"y/n that wasnt nice." she says

"forgive me?" you plead coming up to her.

"fuck you." she laughs and quickly lunges twords you making you jump, you slip backwards. Sadie laughs.

You scream as you fall into the pool. You plunge into the water and before you now it your head hits the bottom of the pool, instantly nocking you out.

"Oh shit haha i totally didnt mean to make you slip haha." She laughs "ahhhh that was so fucking priceless!" She laughs.

You unconciously float up to the surface of the pool face down.

"Oh yeah haha." Sadie mocks. "Real funny Y/n."

You dont come out of the water laughing like she expects insted you float there unconcious.

"Come on babe the pranks over it isnt funny." Sadie says

You float there unconcious as blood seeps into the water slightly.

"Yea yeah your totally drowni-" She says "Babe?!" She says when she sees the blood.

"Oh fuck! oh fuck! Fuck fuck fuck." She says jumping into the pool, grabing you.

She flips you over and sees a cut on your forhead.

"Babe?!" She screams as she lifts you up to the side of the pool. "Babe wake the fuck up!" She yells, shaking you.

You jolt awake and cough up a bunch of water. Sadie sits you up and pats your back.

"Its okay its okay." She says patting your back "just breathe baby."

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