Sick 2

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Around 6:15, about half an hour after Sadie put Y/n to bed, she finished cleaning the washroom.

Y/n wakes up in a start she is sweating intensely but feels extremely cold she then feels the all too familiar cramping feeling in her stomach. She jumps out of bed and runs towards the bedroom door.

"Sadie!!" You yell, running down the corridor.

"Shit," Sadie says

You run into the washroom and throw up into the toilet. You whimper and lean into Sadie's arms.

"Hey Shhhh, it's ok baby. Good job not holding it back." She says, rubbing your stomach.

A second later, Millie busts through the front door.


Sadie doesn't hear her because she is too busy comforting you.

"Sadie?" Millie asks, looking around the 1st floor. "I swear to God if you two are fucking" she says going up the stairs.

Millie reaches the top of the stairs and heads down the corridor towards the washroom.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" She asks entering the washroom.

You throw up again. You whimper and cling to Sadie. She rubs your back as she looks up toward Millie.

"Y/n are you okay?" She says in a concerned tone kneeling down.

You whimper and cry into Sadie's chest

"She woke up at like 5 this morning and was really sick Mills." Sadie says "what were you saying downstairs?"

"Oh uhh" Millie says feeling bad "nothing here i'll call Matt and Ross and tell them you won't be in today."

"Oh shit I totally forgot we have to film today. Arnt we starting to film the Running Up That Hill Scene?" Sadie says to Millie

"Yeah you guys are starting that today but it's prolly gonna take at least a week."

"Ahh crap I can't miss that. But it's fine I'm staying home with Y/n." Sadie says looking down at you.

"No it's fine you need to go to work. Babe I'll be fine" you say

"No I can't. I'm not leaving you love." She says

"No really Sadie I'm fi-"

You lunge towards the toilet and throw up again.

"No you won't be fine baby" she says to you rubbing your back

"Alright I'm gonna go before I throw up too..."Millie says

"Millie thank you please call Matt and Ross and tell them I will not be in untill Y/n gets better" she says looking at Millie

"Ok thank god I really didn't want you to leave." You say leaning in towards Sadie.

"Uhhh Sades I'll see you later and feel better Y/n."   She says and then leaves to go to set.

"Are you feeling better baby?" Sadie asks you

"Not really I feel super cold"

"Oh?... Really?" Sadie says putting her hand to your forehead. "Y/n baby you're burning up."

"No I can't be Im freezing Sadie." You say shivering

"Here let me take your temperature." She says opening the medical drawer.

She grabs the thermometer strip and places it on your forehead. She reads it and looks concerned.

"What?" You ask, shivering

"Baby, don't freak out, but your temperature is 38° (100° F). You have a fever, babe."

You start to cry. "I'm gonna die,"

"Hey no no your not. Hey, it's only 38° that's a pretty common fever. Now, if you were like 40° I would be taking you to the hospital." She says, holding you close "Come here it's ok baby."

"Am I gonna be okay, Sadie?" You ask nervously.

"Yeah, you're gonna be fine, baby. Here I'll run you a warm bath and then we can watch a movie, okay?" She says in a calm voice.

"Okay," you smile.

"Do you still feel nauseated?" She asks

" No, just really cold," you shiver

" Ok, that's good. I'll run you a warm bath." she says and walks over to your shower-tub combo. She starts the water and adjusts the temperature.

"I'm sorry Sadie." You say

"What y/n why?" She says turning around

"I know how much you hate vomit and you cleaned it all up this morning. Earlier when you were cleaning the hall I heard you almost throw up yourself. I'm so sorry." You say a tear running down your cheek.

"Hey baby it's ok I really don't mind." She says "here the bath is ready"

"Ok thank you babe" you say

"I'ma go do laundry and clean the corridor floor better then i will bring you in some comfy clothes ok?"

"Yes thank you babe"

*Time jump*

Sadie knocks on the bathroom door "hey baby, I brought you a big tee shirt and a pair of my boxers that you like" she says coming into the washroom.

"Hey babe" you say

"Hey uh I didn't bring you any trousers because I though that might put too much pressure on your tummy so I just got you your favorite pear of my boxers if thats ok" she says holding up a pair of boxers with little lesbian flags all over them.

"Thank you babe." You say back.

"Ready to get out?"

"Yeah" you reply.

Sadie helps you get dressed, and you go into you and Sadie's bedroom.

You both sit on the bed, and she turns on a Disney movie. She lays down and opens her arms. You crawl into her arms and cuddle for a while.

About halfway through the movie, you begin to dose off. Sadie runs her fingers through your hair as you fall asleep.

"I love you so much y/n" she says and kisses your forehead.

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now