Worried On Set

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"Cut" the director calls out "y/n can you do that again?"

"Yeah uh sorry."  You say and walk back to your position.


"No Peter no I'm not fucking doing that okay." You say in character.

"Bella please come on its not a big deal okay?" Jake says in character.

"Nn-o." You stammer.

Jake bursts out laughing.

"Alright y/n run it again." He calls out.

You feel so overwhelmingly stressed and you don't even know why. You feel the anxiety bubbling inside of you.

"Alright action."

"No Peter, I'm not fucking doing that okay?"

"Bella please I-"

You inprovise

"No Peter I don't even want to hear it okay? I broke up with you what part of that do you not fucking understand?" You yell

You walk past him and off of the set room.

"Cut!" He calls. "Y/n that was perfect!".

You let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding in.

"Alright lunch guys." He says "y/n Peter you get 25 minutes, the rest of you 15."

You go to your dressing room and pull out the salad you packed. Your so worried you feel as if your going to throw up. You don't eat any food instead you text Sadie.


Hey babe.

Hi baby! What's up?

Not much.

Are you okay y/n?

Yeah I'm fine.
Wanna come stop by set later?

Yes absolutely

Like an hour

Okay my love see you in an hour

You still feel to anxious to eat 20 minutes go by and you just sit there.

"Y/n" he calls. "Come on let's go."

"Coming!" You call

"Alright so you are gonna be standing over here y/n." He says. "Then Jake your gonna be outside in the rainy set holding the flowers okay?"

"Yep" you say

"Got it." Jake says.


You hear nocking on the door

You walk over and open the door. Jake is there standing in character holding up some flowers.

"Peter?!" You say and start to shut the door.

"Bella wait!"


He steps inside and kisses you just like in the script. You make out in character.

You step closer and slip on some water. Jake bursts out laughing and helps you up. After a few more takes you start to feel really dizzy.

While you and Jake are making out in character you feel as if your going to pass out. You pull away.

"I need a quick break." You say.

"Yeah totally." The director says "Everyone take 5"

You rush into your dressing room and hold onto the table for balance. You feel light headed and start to slip in and out of consciousness.

"babe are you okay?!"

You fall. Sadie runs over and catches you.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah I'm fine" you mumble "just lightheaded."

"Y/n?" You ask.

"Hm?" She says picking you up.

She sits down on the couch, you on her lap

"When was the last time you ate?" She says worriedly.

"Dinner." You say cuddling into her neck "last night."

"Here eat your salad babe." She says grabbing your salad off of the table.

"Mmmmm." You mumble "I don't wanna."

She opens the container and grabs a fork. She grabs a bite and holds it up to you.

"Here, open." She smiles.

"Mhmmm." You groan and bury your face in her chest.

"Baby I need you to eat." She says "don't make me do the airplane."

"Fine." You say your face still in her chest.

She feeds you a bite of salad.

"Good?" She asks.

"Mhmm." You smile.

Eat your salad and cuddle into Sadie.

"Hey y/n you okay?" Jake says coming in. "Oh hey Sadie."

"Hi Jake." She smiles

"You okay y/n?" He asks.

"Mmm" you mumble into Sadie's chest.

"She doesn't feel very good." Sadie says.

"Oh I'm sorry." He says "do you want me to tell Mark your gonna go home?"

"No, I don't want to bother him he already has so much stress directing." You say "I'll be out in a few."

"Okay see you out there." He says "bye Sadie."

"Do you want me to stay?" She asks.


Sadie stays on set for the rest of the day and you barely feel any anxiety.

741 words

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