Tic Attack

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A/N I have tourettes I'm kinda basing this off of my tic attacks. Don't come for me.

You are sitting upstairs working on something at your desk. Your neck jerks to the side. You go back to editing your essay.


You take a deep breath. You just try to ignore it and Finnish your essay.

Your whole body shakes.

You continue to focus on your essay. You are writing a paper for your college med prep class.

Your neck violently jerks backward. You correct it and go back to writing. It jerks again. Again, again, again.

"Aghhh" you say to yourself.

You try as hard as you can to focus on your paper.

You start snapping and whistling. Normal tics maybe it's over.

You arms start to jerk violently and you scoot your chair back knowing it going to happen. Your fist violently pounds on your chest over and over.

You get out of your chair and sit on the floor. You neck continues to jerk back. Your whole body starts to shake violently and your fist continues to pound on your chest.

You begin to whimper from the pain in your neck and chest. Your neck violently jerks back throwing you onto the floor.

Your neck jerks the side slamming your head into the bed frame. Your neck continues to jerk backward and your back arches.

Your neck continues to jerk to the side slamming your head into the bed frame. With one final pound from your fist hitting your chest you can't take it anymore.

"Sadie?!" You yell.

Sadie looks up from making her sandwich downstairs.

"Yeah?" She calls out.

No response.


"Sadie help me!" You call out your head slamming against the floor repeatedly.

She drops what she is doing and runs upstairs. She runs into the bedroom and sees you ticing on the floor. She runs over to you and holds your head in her palms to keep you from slamming your head against the bed.

She struggles to keep your head steady. Your arm jerks hitting her in the back. She winces in pain a bit.

"I'm so sorry." You say struggling.

"Don't apologize," she says struggling to hold your head. "It's not your fault."

She wraps her arms around you and picks you up. She sets you down on the bed. Your neck continues to jerk against the bed.

Your arms jerk around and you continue to pound your fist against your chest. You wince in pain. Sadie grabs your arm and holds it down so you don't hurt yourself.

Your other arm jerks, she quickly grabs it before you hit her in the back. She sits beside you and pins you to the bed. You wince in pain as she holds you down.

"I'm so sorry baby." She says.

"It's okay." You say.

Your leg jerks and you knee her in the back. She winces in pain.

"I'm so sorry." You struggle

"It's okay, it's okay." She says.

She straddles your legs to keep you from kicking her.

"Hey sades?" Jacy calls out.

Sadie's sister comes into the room.

"Oh my god you guys seriously?!" She calls out covering her eyes with her hand. "If your gonna have sex close the door."

"What?!" Sadie says breathing heavily. "Jace were not she's having a tic attack."

"Oh shit sorry my bad." She says "You okay y/n?"

"Doing great." You say sarcastically.

"I'll come back later." She says Turing around

"Bye Jace love you." Sadie says turning back to you.

Your tics calm down after about ten more minutes. Then you two cuddle in bed for the day.

616 words.

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now