Flight pt2

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She grabs your chin and smashes her lips into yours.

You two quickly begin to make out. She wraps her arms around your waist and picks you up. You wrap your legs around her ass as she walks over to the bed.

She throws you on the bed, which earns her an exited squeal. She towers over you as you lay there, full of anticipation. She smirks as she looks you in the eye; as she licks her lips, she looks up and down your body, all while wearing the most flirtatious face.

"Sadie your killing me." You groan.

"What?" She says innocently. "What am I doing?"

"Please." You beg.

"I dunno what you want." She says walking away.

"Sadieeee." You groan.

She walks into the little kitchen space and pulls out her phone. You get off the bed and walk over to her. You come up behind her and lean close to her.

"Your such a tease." You whisper, sending Shivers down her spine. "I'm still gonna fuck you though."

You breathe heavily on her neck, and Sadie feels herself getting wet. You make your way to her ear.

"I'm gonna fuck you till you scream and cry." You whisper in her ear.

You then lean in close and breathe heavily on her ear. You notice her struggling to keep it together.

"Come on I know you want it." You whisper.

You then gently bite her ear sending her over the edge. She let's out a soft moan. You wrap one arm around her waist, the other over her shoulder. You begin to kiss her neck.

She let's out soft moans as you continue kissing her neck. She let's out a low groan when you hit her sweet spot, and you feel her knees go slightly weak.

"Fuck." She whispers.

"Hm?" You mumble into her neck.

"Please." She moans.

You pull away from her and walk away.

"Auh." She scoffs.

"Mhmm." You mumble.

"Seriously?!" She says turning around.

"I dunno what you want." You say mocking her.

"Oh you." She says.

She runs up to you from behind and tackles you onto the bad.

"Ahhh." You scream as she tackles you.

You both fall onto the bed. You land on your back and Sadie lands on top of you. She instantly starts aggressively making out with you. You don't hesitate to kiss back.

The passionate kiss quickly turns I to a sloppy make out as you feel Sadie begin to get inpatient. She slides her hands under your shirt and caresses your hips. You let out a soft moan into the kiss.

She gets inpatient and begins to grind against your hips, relieving some of her tension. She quietly moans as she grinds against you. She plants open mouth kisses along your collarbone, moving down to your neck.

"My turn bitch." She whispers and attacks your neck.

You moan as she instantly hits your sweet spot. She begins to gently bite and suck on your neck, earning her little moans. She bites down on your sweet spot and you moan out in pleasure, you instantly cover your mouth with your hand.

Sadie pulls away and admires the lovely mark she made with her teeth, before running her tongue over it.

"Don't cover up love I want to hear you scream." She says breathing on your neck sending Shivers down your body.

"Oh my god Sadie please." You moan out, getting wetter by the second.

"What's the magic word?" She says with a smirk.

"Please." You say.

"Nope." She smirks.

"What?!" You say "Yes it is."

"No it isn't." She says leaning close to you. "You got it wrong."

"What is it then?" You say.

"Mommy." She whispers sending you over the edge.

"Please Mommy please." You beg.

"Mmmmmm." She says slightly grinding against your thigh.

"Sadie please I'm begging you." You moan.

She crashes her lips onto yours and grinds against you harder. You kiss back and she tugs on your shirt. She slides it up and takes it off, throwing it god knows where.

Still making out with you she begins to take off her own shirt, only pulling away for a moment to slide it above her head. Her hands then make there way up, exploring every inch of your body.

She teases you through your sports bra as you moan into the kiss. She stops her grinding and pulls away from you. You long for her presence again. She then Yanks off your shorts and panties.

She then gets off you and completely undresses while you take off your sports bra. She climes back onto the bed in all her naked glory and spreads your legs. She puts one leg over her shoulder and aligns her self up with you. She then rubs her pussy against your clit.

"Ohh shit." You moan out.

She begins grinding against you harder, making you let out soft moans.

"Oh- my god." She moans.

"Oh Sadie." You moan, loving the feeling of her against you.

"Oh shit." She moans pressing down on you harder.

"Sadie I'm gonna cum." You moan loudly.

She continues to grind on you harder, occasionally letting out low grunts, sending you over the edge.

"Oh Sadie!" You moan, your juices flowing all over the both of you.

She doesn't slow down as she still needs to cum. You lift your hips a little to help.

"Oh shit." She moans and cums all over you.

"Og my god." You gasp.

She flops down on the bed next to you exhausted. She lays her head on your shoulder and pulls the covers over your naked bodies. She snuggles into you and buries her face into the crook of your neck.

You both end up quickly falling asleep.

You wake up about an hour later. You pick up your phone and it's 6:57.

"Oh shit!" You say, startling Sadie. "We have to go right now!"

"What time is it?" She yawns

"We have three minutes go!" You sat

You both scramble off the bed and throw on some clothes. You run out of your room hand in hand and rush down to the lobby.

"I'm so sorry we're late." You yell

"There you guys are." Matt says.

"Alright we can start now." Ross says.

You and Sadie take a seat. You take an empty seat next to Millie and Sadie sits next to Maya.

"What happened to your neck?!" Millie whispers.


"You have a big bruise." She whispers


"Are you oka-" She says realizing.

She looks over at Sadie and gives her a devious smirk. Sadie shoots her a "Shut up" look.

1107 words of smut You horny fucks.

I'm taking a break from smut btw. For a little.

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