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You and Sadie decide to go to the beach but you haven't been in the water since that day.

You get out of the car.

"Oh my god." She says "its the perfect day for the beach."

"Mhmm." You say nervously.

She grabs the beach bag out of the backseat.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Mhmmm." You say nervously and grab her hand.

You walk up to the beach, you stick your feet in the sand. You feel a bit better. You and Sadie set up your towel on the beach.

You sit down between her legs, your back resting against her front. You lean back into her chest, and she wraps her arms around you.

"Your the best friend I could ever ask for." She smiles

You smile and look up at her.

About 30 minutes later.

"Hey I'm getting hot let's go into the water." She says getting up.

"Mmmm okay." You say hesitantly.

You grab her hand and go twords the water. You feel the tide rolling up getting your toes wet.

You smile at Sadie and feel fine. You both play around and walk deeper into the tide.

You only get about waist deep when all the memories come flooding back.

"Oh my god y/n what the helll." He yells

"Babe it's not a big deal." You say trying to calm him down.

"See y/n this is exactly your problem, you never get out of your fucking comfort zone." He yells.

"Oh my god." You say "I can't with you right now."

You are swimming in the water at a depth where neither of you can touch. You start to swim back the shore.


"I can't with you right now Nick." You say not even turning around to look at him.

You get about waist deep and you suddenly get nocked over.

You come up and gasp for air. You get shoved back down under the waves.

You fight to get back to the surface. He let's you up for air.

"Nick what are you doing?!" You gasp.

"Teaching you a lesson." He yells.

"No Nick pl-"

He shoves you back under the water. You end up swallowing a bunch of water. You yell from under the tide. You thrash and try to get away from him. You feel the tightness in your lungs as your body longs for oxygen.

Your movements start to slow and you think

This is the end, he's gonna kill me.

Suddenly someone rips him off of you. You try to get to the surface but your too weak.

A pair of gentle hands grab you and bring you above the tide. You open your eyes and you see a blurry figure with long beautiful red hair.

"Hey are you okay?" She asks holding you bridal style.

Your eyes get heavy and you pass out.

She picks you up under your arms and holds you like a baby. She carries you to the shore. She lays you on her towel and sits right next to you untill the police arrive.

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now