Late night games

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Smut. No Sadie's G!p, btw

Sadie and y/n are playing fighting in their bedroom.

"I bet I could easily kick your ass." You say.

"Oh, really now?" Sadie says.

You pin her down on the floor and sit on her waist.


Your eyes go blank and suddenly look dizzy

sadie looks worried and confused

"Y/n? are... you ok...?"

"I don't feel so good..." You say

sadie looks very concerned

"Are... are you ok, Y/n? should i call someone...? Are you... you're not gonna... faint, are you?"

you look dizzy and pass out, hitting the ground with a thud

sadie kneels down, looking you over and shaking you.

"Y/n!? Are you ok!? Wake up dammit! C'mon! Talk to me!" sadie says

you open your eyes.

"go fuck yourself." you smirk

sadie exhales a sigh of relief that you are still ok

"Wow. Rude and bratty as always. I have to say... that's your best response so far." sadie says

"You really will believe anything won't you." you say

sadie laughs a little

"Oh please, the only expression you can pull off is puppy dog eyes or a sarcastic smirk. And right now, you have all the markings of a puppy dog."

you gently pushes Sadie off of you.

"oh fuck off" you say

sadie smiles warmly

"See, that's what I mean... always so bitchy... but so cute at the same time. What you really need is someone to care enough to wipe the sass off you."

"Oh?" you say turning around

sadie chuckles and smirks devilishly

"Why yes ma'am... I'd gladly take up that job if you'd let me." she smirks

"Well why should I give you this job position, what do you have to offer?" you ask

sadie pouts, and puts her hands on her hips

"Well, I guess you'll just have to let me show you what I've got then, huh?" she replies

"Oh I'm afraid I can't do that." you say

sadie pouts some more and pouts her lips

"Is that so? And why not?" she pouts

"Because you need to tell me first"

sadie rolls her eyes "Oh... you want me to say pretty please?"


she raises her eyebrow "Then... what do i need to tell you first little miss "I'm afraid I can't do that"...?"

"You need to tell me exactly what your going to do to me." you say crawling on the bed, over to sadie

sadie smirks again

"And if i don't...?"

"Let's just say" you whisper in Sadie's ear "you won't be able to walk tomorrow."

"Is that a promise...?"


And I'm supposed to assume that i'll be just fine afterwards...?" sadie chuckles

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