Movie M.M

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You all walk up to the scoops ahoy. Mike rings the bell repeatedly.

"Hey dingus your children are here." Robin says.

"Again, seriously?!" Steve says, opening the window

Mike rings the bell again.

Steve opens the door.

"Come on, come on."

You all rush through the door.

"I swear if anyone hears about this -" he starts.

"We're dead." You all say.

You all file into the movie and sit down. You sit next to Max, and Lucas sits on the other side of her.

"I'm going to the bathroom." She says and gets up.

You watch her get up and leave. You get an idea.

You stand up.

"Where are you going?" Lucas says,"It's about to start."

"I forgot to get water."

You walk out of the theater and catch up to Max. You slip into the bathroom without her noticing.

She walks up to a stall.

"Max wait." You say grabbing her wrist

She jumps a little, not knowing you were there.

"Y/n Jesus, you scared the shit out of me." She says. "Are you okay?"

You look into her eyes. She steps closer, twords you, and you lean close to her. She grabs your chin and smashes her lips into yours. You quickly kiss back, and she backs up into the stall.

She fumbles around to find the door. She closes the door and pins you against the wall.

She pulls away, and you look unto her eyes. You are both breathing heavily. You smash your lips back onto hers, and it turns into a heated makeout.

She moves down and starts kissing your neck. You quietly moan in response.

Suddenly the lights go out.

She quickly pulls away from you. You look around the pitch-black bathroom terrified.

"Max?" You ask shakily

"It's okay. The power just went out." She says

After a little, the power turns back on, and you sigh in relief. She grabs your hand and leads you out of the bathroom. You both walk back into the theater and sit down.

"Jeeze, you two, what took so long?" Lucas asked.

"There was a long line at the snack stand." You say

"Well, the hickie on your neck says otherwise y/n." Mike says.

Your eyes widen. You grab a mirror out of your backpack. You see a large purple hickie on your neck, and you look over at Max.

"Hey y/n, didn't you go to get water?" Lucas jokes.

"Shut up, Lucas." You say reaching over to slap his arm.

"Y/n, don't lean over Max she'll give you another hickie." Mike jokes, and Max glares at him.

"Guys quit bothering them." Will says,"Just let them be."

"Thanks will." You say to him.

"Okay, let's get to the movie, okay?" Max says.

"Agh, I hate horror movies." You say.

"Day Of The Dead isn't a horror movie." Max jokes

"Yes, it is." You say.

"Fine." She says, opening her hand.

You take your hand into hers and already feel better.

"Gaeee," Lucas whispers.

"Lucas, shut up." Will says hitting his arm. "Leave them alone."

"Jeeze, Will I was joking, okay?" He says,"So I'm guessing I'm the only straight one in the party now?"

"What?!" You all say thinking of Dustin.

"Well, Mike and Will ." He says. "And now Max and y/n."

"What about Dustin?" You say.

"Oh yeah." He chuckles,"I forgot."

"Lucas, you're a dick." Max says. "He is gone at camp for a month, and you forget about him."

"I didn't forget about him." He says, "He's coming back tomorrow."

"Whatever." You laugh.

You hold Max's hand the entire movie and don't feel scared at all.

613 words.
Sorry I haven't been active but im back now. I have had this one written for a while but forgot to post it.

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