The Test M.M

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Max's G!p smut

Request from Jazzlyn300

You and Max have been dating for three years. She is 23 and you are almost 24. You live in hawkins everything is the same.

Hawkins Indiana July 1996

"Baby I'm homeee" Max calls out as she walks into your apartment.

"Kitchen" you call out

"Ok" she says

Max walks into the kitchen. She walks up to you and wraps her arms around you.

"How was work baby?" You ask

She buries her face in your neck and holds you close.


"Hnmn?" She mumbles

"Are you okay my love?" You ask turning around

"Yeah I'm fine just tired." She says giving you a hug.

"Okayyy." You say

"Can we talk y/n?" She asks

"Yes absolutely baby. What's up?" You ask


"Shure." You say

Max sits on couch. You sit on her lap and rest your head on her shoulder.

"Baby?" She asks


"Something's missing."

"Huh?" You say looking up

"Someone. Someone is missing."

"Baby I know you want to but our apartment doesn't allow pets." You say

"No, no not that."

You look at her confused for a few seconds. Then you realize and your face lights up.

"You really want to?" You ask


"I thought you wanted to wait." You say

"I thought I did too but, someone has just been missing lately."

"I get that." You say

"Come on" she says picking you up "it's baby making time"

Your face lights up with excitement. You have always wanted to be a mum. But Max aways wanted to wait.

She walks up to the bedroom and sets you down on the bed. She jumps on the bed and crawls on top of you, her knee in between your legs.

"Hey." She says smirking

"Hi" you say exhaling

She smashes her lips into yours and you begin making out. Her hands make there way down to your shirt. She slips her hands inside your shirt and starts rubbing your right boob through your sports bra.

You start to breathe heavily and arch your back in response. Pulls away from you and sits up. She crawls over to the end of the bed and sits on the edge, setting her feet on the floor. She looks over and smirks at you.

You quickly hop up and sit on her lap. You look at her and smile. You make out again, your tongues going at war. You can't help but begin to grind against her thigh.

When you do this she moans in response and grabs your hips, ensuring that you keep going.

"How about I move up a little?" You say.

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