Sick (Ellie's version)

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Ellie is the same age as she is in slip btw

"Come here munchkin." Sadie says holding out Ellie's towel.

Ellie runs across the washroom into Sadie's arms. Sadie wraps her in the towel.

"Let's get you dried up baby." She says.

Sadie picks up ellie and walks upstairs to her bedroom.

"Mama?" Ellie says

"Yes baby?" Sadie says

"I'm nakeeed." She laughs.

"I know pumpkin we need to get you dressed." She says walking into Ellie's room.

She sets her down on the floor and opens her little dresser. She finds a shirt and some shorts.

"Alright come here bab-" She says.

Ellie isn't there.

"Ellie?" She says.

"Mama" She giggles.

"Come here baby." Sadie says standing up.

Ellie runs out of her room and through the hallway. She turns around and is laughing.

"Baby come here." Sadie says.

"But I wanna playyy." Ellie says.

"I know but I need to get you dressed come here." Sadie says extending her hand.

Ellie runs over and grabs her hand. Sadie picks Ellie up and lays her on the changing table.

"New fresh and clean diaper." She says in a funny voice and tickles Ellie.

Ellie laughs and kicks her legs.

Sadie leans down and blows on Ellie's stomach. She screams and laughs.

"Alright time for shorts." She says picking her up and standing her on the changing table.

"Noooo." Ellie says.

"You don't want shorts?!" She says in a funny voice.

"Noooooo." Ellie giggles.

"What are you gonna do run around in your diaper?" Sadie says.

"No I want a dress!" Ellie says.

"Can we use our manners?" Sadie says.

"Mama can I have a dress?" She asks.

"Yes baby." She says bopping Ellie's nose.

Sadie gets out a little rose dress. She puts Ellie in it and sets her down. She goes running out of the room.

My love ❤️

Wifey Sades ❤️🍆
Hey babe how's filming?

It's good. I'm tired tho hru?

Wifey Sades ❤️🍆
Good I'm tired to haha

Yeah. How's Ellie

Wifey Sades❤️🍆 She seems a little bothered by something, but she's fine.

Okay. Keep me updated ily

Wifey Sades❤️🍆
Yes ma'am

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