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WARNING: This chapter contains some child abuse and rape by Watto if you are uncomfortable reading this sort of thing please feel free to skip.

**Emmesere's POV***

Before The Jedi's On Tattooie//:

I was in charge of greeting and helping Watto's customers as they came in while my best friend Ani worked on fixing and building things. Ani is actually a boy it's short for Anakin. He's been my best friend ever since Watto bought him and his mom Shmi. Since I had never known my parents Shmi became a mom to me.

But the best part was that before Watto had bought her and her son I had been forced to sleep in the dirt in Watto's shop. Now, I got to live in the same house as my best friend and share a mom with him. 

It was a slow day today so Watto had Ani working on fixing and making parts, it was my job to dust off the parts, and anything that was for sale. When suddenly I hear a crash and a cry of pain, I rush into the next room and find Ani in a corner.

"What's going on?!" I cry.

"Stay back Emme!" Watto snarls. 

"Oh, please take me instead Master! Ani always gets punished instead of me when I deserve it more than he does!"

"Shut up Emme!" Watto replies angrily.

I watch as Ani is forced to take his clothes off and is whipped. He is fighting tears as new wounds open former scars on his back, most of his scars were beatings he'd taken for me. I was always getting on Watto's bad side but today he must have. 

Don't get me wrong I have my own share of scars on my back from before Ani was bought and took my beatings for me. But Watto had always been far kinder to me before he had purchased Ani and Shmi.

I count each crack of the whip against his body so far I had counted 17...18...19...20...

Watto stops at 20 lashes and I feel an anger I couldn't control explode from me, "Master, how could you do this? We're only seven. And Ani is an angel compared to me he's...special, talented even! I hate you!"

I sigh after letting all my anger, fear, and hate out on my master. I rush over to my best friend only to have  Watto force me to take my clothes off. He forces me into the same corner as Ani and then forces himself on me, Ani tries to help me but he's in pain and can barely move.

Instead, I hold his hands and face him looking into his blue eyes, him looking into my green ones. He was bleeding and I was crying and whimpering. 

When Watto is finished I put my clothes on and help Ani with his and he whispers, "Em, I'm sorry I couldn't help you. You shouldn't have intervened with my punishment though because now we're both hurt."

"Oh, Ani, what happened?" I ask softly ignoring his apology.

"Get home kids!" Watto snaps.

I help my best friend home and Shmi rushes over to us instantly taking Ani into her care.

"Oh, my son. What did you take this for in Emme's  sake again?"

"No, Mom it was my fault this time I forgot to call him master."

"Oh, Ani, it's okay. Emme, can you help me?" 

"Mom, Emme got hurt too," Ani tells her.

Shmi and I take care of his wounds getting him cleaned up and wrapped in bandages we take him to his room.  Before letting me stay with her son Shmi says, "Emme, I want you to come with me and tell me what happened."

"Oh, no please let me stay in here with Ani and tell you. I can't say it aloud without him!" I say.

Shmi nods and says, "Alright, then we can stay here."

Ani takes my hand without asking me but it almost seemed like he could sense my feelings somehow. I take his hand focusing on his warm hand and Shmi's comforting presence and warm hand holding my other hand.

I close my eyes trying to forget the pain, and the blood, and the fear and anger I had felt. Until I  force myself to tell Shmi what had happened, "I got upset with Watto. I yelled at him because he had hurt Ani and...and..then he...Watto forced himself on me!" 

"Oh, Emmesere, Annikan, I hope this isn't true," she replies sadly.

"It's true Mom, he shoved her down next to me and we looked into each other's eyes while she was...not safe." 

"We held hands," I add.

"Oh, my babies, I am so sorry this happened to you," Shmi replies scooping up Ani from his bed and holding us both in her arms.

Ani lies down again Shmi has left us to rest. And I am about to follow her when I hear, "Em, can you stay and make me feel better?"

"I can try Ani, but you know my stories suck."

"Just tell me one about the Jedi you dream about and the spaceships," Ani begs.

My best friend moans in pain and I hold his hand by accident but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it. I start my story and soon we fall asleep holding each other still scared of what had transpired with our master.

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