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Emmesere's POV

**The Clone Wars**

We exit the ship with Padme in the lead towards the palace, but the whole way I feel uneasy and keep a hand on my hidden lightsaber. 

"You seem tense." my best friend points out.

"I can't help it I feel like something bad is going to happen but I don't know what."

"Have you tried meditation yet?" 

"No, I was talking earlier on the way here, and it didn't start until we came to Naboo."

"Oh," he whispers.

Padme steps into the palace and takes a seat with the others leaving Anakin and me standing, he grins at me and I look away trying to hide my feelings from him.

"How many separatists have joined Count Dooku?" the Queen asks.

"About two hundred. And more and more are leaving the Republic every day. If the Senate votes to create an army I'm sure that will lead us into a full-scale civil war." Padme replies.

"Did I do something to upset you again?" Anakin murmurs so as to not disrupt the meeting.

"No, I'm meditating you pest. You interrupted." 

"I'm sorry," he answers.

Finally, after what feels like ages Padme takes us to the house by the lake, the view from the boat was so magnificent that I could feel myself finally finding some peace. A little dock comes into view and the driver takes Padme's bags and helps her out, Anakin steps out next and helps me out.

Padme breaks the silence saying, "I'll head inside then. There will be a big open area right here, and then a hallway to the right will take you to the kitchen and dining room."

"Okay, is there anything else we should know about?" I ask.

"Yes, your room and Anakin's room are to the left." she finishes.

"Thanks," Anakin calls to her joining me at the balcony to look out at the view.

The view of the mountains, the way the water sparkled like blue diamonds, and Anakin's eyes. I ignore my last thought and turn to him saying, "It's so beautiful here."

"Yeah..." Anakin mumbles looking at me and then looking away.

"The water looks so peaceful and great for swimming but I don't like sand," I say.

"I don't either for obvious reasons." Anakin agrees.

Before I can control my words I blurt out, "The water is so blue it reminds me of your eyes, so perfectly blue."

I clap a hand over my mouth and notice Anakin smirking at me as he takes my hand down from my mouth. He lowers it to the balcony and places his hand on top of mine.

"Everything here is beautiful but nothing compares to you, and how beautiful you are to me," he tells me.

I blush as we gaze lovingly into each other's eyes, green to ice blue I could feel literal sparks even if I didn't want to. I close my eyes and lean into Anakin surprised when our lips meet. I knew I was disregarding everything the Jedi code stated about attachment, but I had no control over my feelings for Anakin Skywalker. I never have and I never will. 

As soon as I thought about breaking the rules I open my eyes and push him away, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that! If you'll excuse me." I say walking inside.

My body was screaming at me to stay with my best friend but I forced myself to go back inside, I had to meditate I had to center myself. I couldn't risk my career for a man.

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