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Emmesere POV

**Six Months Later**

It's been six months since Anakin had been killed by Darth Vader and though it still hurts I have been able to come to terms somewhat with the fact that my husband is gone. I have his children to love and care for now, so he's not truly gone. I see him everywhere on Naboo and in our twins.

"I'm doing much better than I was Padme, and I want to be part of the rebel movements."

"It's too dangerous for you Isania, Darth Vader has taken over more planets recently and killed more people! You have Luke and Leia to care for now."

"I am still a powerful Jedi without him you know!"

Padme ignores my outburst and says, "Isania, go and rest you are not sleeping I know it by the bags under your eyes. Keep the twins with you."

Despite wanting to protest against her suggestion I just take it, because I know she's right I haven't slept well ever since losing him. He was my everything and I lost him. I get into my room to find Luke and Leia with the royal family's nanny, who smiles saying, "Would you like me to keep them while you rest Mrs. Skywalker."

Hearing his last name attached to mine makes me snap and I say, "Get out you're fired! Never come near my children again!"

The twins begin to look at me and Leia makes some spitting sounds at me, I laugh and smile at her, meanwhile Luke holds his hands up for me. I pick them both up and put them to bed with me as soon as I fall asleep I have a dream.

On a black leather couch shirtless is Darth Vader drinking something from a flask he looked so un evil, I look closer and see blue eyes not dark yellow. My Anakin was still here just trapped inside a monster who refused to release him. I could feel the pain, loneliness, regret, and grief coming from him. He starts to cry and suddenly the monster takes over and begins breaking things in the office.

I wake up breathing heavily and find Luke and Leia wide awake making cooing sounds at each other, I grab my comlink and say, "Green Baby, and Uncle Ben, this is Isania Shakajem do you copy? It's urgent! Do you copy? Over."

"Go for Uncle Ben. Green Baby is busy. What is it Isania? Over."

"I saw something in a dream but I can't tell you over the comlink you have to come here and bring Green Baby! Over and out."

A few days later Obi-Wan and Master Yoda arrive to meet me in the conference room with Luke and Leia in my arms.

"An important message you have for us Emmesere, about a dream. Tell us what you saw." Master Yoda says.

"I saw Darth Vader and he was drunk in his office alone his eyes were crystal blue not Sith yellow! Anakin was there instead he was in so much pain and so lonely I felt it but only for a moment before Vader took over and made him start destroying things in the office."

"Hmmm...interesting this is. The future is clouded. But some light in the darkness I can see. Up to you, it is to make a right choice this time."

"I don't entirely agree with Master Yoda on this because though you may have seen what you thought..." I cut Obi-Wan off.

"No, you're wrong I saw Anakin I felt him! I know my husband and I can't feel Darth Vader but I can feel Anakin Skywalker!"

"But Emmesere..." I cut him off again.

"Excuse me Master Yoda and Obi-Wan but I have an idea and it's risky but I am willing to try."

"Oh, dear me. What is it?" Obi-Wan asks exasperated as he takes Leia from me as she fidgets.

"I want to be a double agent I want to get a job on the Death Star. I will give information back to you both about the next moves of Darth Vader while trying to release Anakin from his captor. I am more than a match against Darth Vader mentally! I was just as powerful as Anakin and equal in the force. So I know I can do it, I want to bring him back to the light!"

"Risky and dangerous it is Emmesere, I must caution against it."

"Master Yoda, please? I know there's good in him...still."

"I don't like it either Emmesere, you're risking your life...the lives of Luke and Leia. It's too dangerous!"

"Master Yoda said he saw a light in the darkness. Maybe I am the light in the darkness! I have a white light saber and you both know what that means, I can do it! Just let me save him."

"Do you have a plan?" Obi-Wan asks me.

"Hmm..." Master Yoda says.

"What are you thinking?" I ask.

"Important you are Emmesere! To reach our goal, a straight line we will not follow."


"I have a plan and a backstory for you. Padme can help with your wardrobe choices but you will need to dye your hair and wear contacts at all times." Obi-Wan says.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" I shout grabbing my twins and hugging them tightly.

"Arrive to finish this plan we will soon," Yoda says.

I take the twins back to our room and wait for further instructions.

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