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Emmesere POV

**Revenge Of The Sith**

In the morning I wake up to my husband next to me sleeping so peacefully his hair falling gently onto the pillows. His angelic face was facing away from me now because he had rolled over, I could now see the scars on his back clearly.

I trace each scar gently trying not to wake him as I wrap my arms around his waist, tracing his abs. Snuggling as close to him as I can. He stirs and rolls over to face me, "Good morning, my Darling Emmesere. I missed waking up to your beautiful face."

"I am sorry I woke you," I say softly stroking his face.

"It's okay Emme, I don't mind. I would rather be woke up by you then by anyone else."

"They haven't noticed I'm pregnant at all. They have agreed to let me continue guarding Padme. The council I mean."

"I'm glad for that at least there is no telling how they would react!"

"I would hope they'd be happy because our baby is a full-blooded Jedi. Very powerful!"

"Like me. Like...us!" Anakin says rubbing my belly.

"Ani, our baby is force sensitive. Can you feel it through me?"

"Between yours and the baby, you are very powerful right now. I can feel it raging in you!"

I laugh and kiss my husband until I finally come to terms with the fact that I had to get up for the day. I break our kiss and Anakin whimpers softly with sadness.

"Don't do that Anakin. I don't want to get up any more than you do but I have to."

"I'd rather be cuddled next to you all day Darling Emmesere."

"I know how you feel," I reply kissing him again.

We pull away once more and dress then part ways for the day.

"How are you Padme?" I ask the senator.

"I am very good Emmesere, and you look tired."

I don't reply right away because I was scared to mention my dreams to anyone besides Anakin, I feared the idea of talking to anyone who was a Jedi. Or anyone who was close to them politically. I help her with her papers on her desk and finally, I say, "I don't sleep much anymore because I have nightmares constantly of...pain and suffering on my behalf because a Sith Lord is trying to kill me with the force. For some reason, I'm calling out to Anakin in the dream! Oh, Padme....tell me what I should do!"

"Does Anakin know?"

"Yes, he's had dreams of me dying in childbirth."

"Maybe Master Yoda can help," Padme suggests.

"No, I don't want his help! He'll only criticize me and probably sense the presence of my very powerful baby. Anakin feels how strong the force is in me right now. So Master Yoda could feel it too."

"But maybe Master Obi-Wan could. Maybe he would keep the secret and not judge you too harshly."

"Padme, I'm scared of losing my place as a Jedi and that the council will expel me! I don't know if I can do it."

"Emmesere, not sleeping will harm the baby if you don't take care of yourself. I know that you've never been educated on this sort of thing but I have been and I need you to trust me."

"I will talk to Obi-Wan if he is free. Can you find him please?"

"Of course," she answers and picks up her comlink.

"This is Senator Amidala and I am looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi. Do you copy Obi-Wan? Over."

"Yes, I copy Senator Amidala, what is it you need? Over."

"Could you come to my office Emmesere wishes to speak to you about something troubling her about Anakin Skywalker. Over."

"I will be there in a few moments. Over and out."

I continue to help Padme until Obi-Wan arrives in the office. Padme smiles and says, "Thank you for coming so quickly Obi-Wan, it's a conversation that Emmesere wishes to..."
"No, please Senator Amidala, I would like to have you present." I blurt.

"As you wish," she says nodding and taking a seat at her desk.

"Senator Amidala, I am afraid that if it is about Anakin I must ask you to..." I cut Obi-Wan off.

"Master Kenobi, I wish her to stay because I have some things to tell you that she is aware of."

"Oh, alright. What is it?"

Suddenly before I can stop myself I blurt out everything, "Anakin and I got married six months ago on Naboo. I'm Emmesere Skywalker and I'm not ashamed of it! I know it's against the code but I love Anakin and I couldn't bear to keep it in any longer. I don't want to be expelled! I am six months pregnant and I am having a prophetic continuing nightmare that won't allow me to sleep!"

To my surprise, Obi-Wan smiles and says, "I am not surprised you know. I suspected that you and Anakin were married because he seemed different. I could sense you two must have become one because your powers are both stronger in the force. As for the baby, all I can say is be careful with the war going on and be especially cautious around the Chancellor, the council suspects him of bad things but have no proof."

"Thank you for not judging me," I whisper.

He nods and says, "Tell me about the dream and I will see if I can help."

"Please don't tell the council! I can't risk being expelled for any of this!"

"I won't tell them on the condition that you promise to look after Anakin as he tries to spy on Chancellor Palpatine. Guide him and try to keep him from harm if things turn out to be true."

"I will do everything in my power within the force and the galaxy to protect him from whatever is to come," I reply.

"Now tell me about this dream."

"I don't sleep much anymore because I have nightmares constantly of...pain and suffering on my behalf because a Sith Lord is trying to kill me with the force. For some reason, I'm calling out to Anakin in the dream!"

"I need you to meditate for me and focus on feeling and seeing everything as clearly as you do in your dream. I know it will be hard and painful but I need to understand if I am to help you. I won't involve the council unless I have a very good reason."

I sigh and sit down once more in the chair and close my eyes allowing the meditation to guide me, I slowly relax myself with thoughts of Anakin. Until the dream comes hitting me like a speeder. When I finish Obi-Wan looks troubled.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"I don't know what this has to do with Anakin but I sense something very, very dark is coming and we must be ready Emmesere. I will alert the council but leave out the part about you being in the dream pregnant."

"Thank you, " I say.

"You're welcome and try not to do anything stupid and keep Anakin out of trouble."

"I try Master Kenobi. But sometimes we find trouble together it comes to us whether we want it or not."

Later, that night I go into my room with Anakin and find him stripped down to only his pants as he has his head in his hands. I sit down next to him and rub his back. He looks over and sees me saying, "I'm so happy you came Emmesere, I really need your presence right now."

"What happened Ani?" I ask looking into his crystal blue eyes.

"I spoke to Master Yoda today it didn't go very well. About my dreams. I also got a new mission to spy on the Chancellor and he said some weird things today."

"I spoke to Obi-Wan he knows about us but won't tell anyone. He is telling the council about my dream but leaving out the part about me being pregnant."

"Emmesere, I...sometimes don't think I tell you enough...I love you."

My husband and I fall asleep in each other's presence with my head resting on his chest and his hands resting on my belly.

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