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**Emmesere's POV

**Revenge Of The Sith**

Anakin and I had been married for a short time now and have been hiding it well from the council. But standing in front of the council was still intimidating for us, but we got good at controlling our emotions in front of them.
After becoming intimate with each other the force was stronger between us, we could feel each other's emotions stronger, speak to one another telepathically, and some how had gotten stronger with the force as a whole.
Today however we are getting our missions from the council.
"Emmesere, continue to guard Senator Amidala you will." Master Yoda says.
"Forgive me for asking Master Yoda, but why am I not going with Anakin and Master Obi-Wan?"
"Because your skills better equip you as a guard for the senator." Mace Windu answers.
**Time Skip Naboo**
I am currently in Padme's office with her helping her organize reports for some meetings when I suddenly feel light-headed. I then feel nauseous again for what feels like the 100th time this week.
"Emmesere, you really won't be much help to me if you are sick," Padme says with a laugh.
"I'm not sick Padme, but I don't know why I keep vomiting so much."

"Have you gained any weight?"

"Quite a lot actually so I have had to buy bigger clothes and I drown in them! At least my arms do..."

"I think I might have an idea."
"You do?"
"How long ago was your wedding and honeymoon night?"
" Six months ago," I reply feeling uncomfortable and uneasy.
"Let's get you to the medical department and see what's wrong."
"But Padme, I don't understand!" I say.
"You will just calm down."
Padme takes me to the infirmary and the droids check me out and the conclusion almost makes me pass out.
"Padme, I...I...can't be pregnant! I am a Jedi! What if the council finds out?!"
"They won't we will stay here on Naboo and you will wear maternity clothes."
"But Anakin will be in Coruscant and I don't know when I can tell him! What if I have to go back?!"
"Emmesere, please calm down. I have a plan. We will only go to Coruscant if the council directly requests your presence. Or mine."
"What about Ani?" I ask still in shock.
"We will find a way to reach him and leave a message that we will meet him in Coruscant."
After I calm down Padme makes me go to bed.

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