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Emmesere POV

I was scared to travel alone with Darth Vader because there was never a guarantee that Anakin would be present the entire time, I only said yes because Anakin had asked me. I don't know what I'd do if Darth Vader took over again, especially if it was near Luke and Leia.

As I finish packing I turn and see him, his eyes still blue just very concerned. 

"Emmesere, I can sense how strong your fear is. I wish I could stop it."

"I can't stop my feelings Anakin, there's a part of me that will never stop fearing Darth Vader. I am still trying to come to terms with the fact that I might have..."

"You might have what?" he asks softly.

"It's a long story that you don't wanna know."

"I do want to know because I don't like it when you lie to me!" he snaps and Vader takes over.

"Ani, fight Vader and look at me. Focus on me, focus on my voice."

"I'm sorry Emme, I didn't mean to get so mad."

"It's okay and you should hear the truth. I might have put our children at risk by accepting your offer."

"How would you have done that?"

"Because...if Darth Vader discovers Luke and Leia's whereabouts it could be the end for them. Especially if the emperor finds them!"

"All I have to do is find out what is keeping Senator Amidalla so occupied that she's not keeping up the resistance that she's so often done in the past."

"Does that mean you'll have to be Darth Vader to do this mission?" I ask fearfully.

"Yes, it does and I'm so sorry."

"I need to finish packing I will be back soon Ani," I say.

I had lied so I could warn Padme, Yoda, and Obi-Wan in case the twins needed protection from Darth Vader. They were to leave if they sensed any danger.

I grab my things and head to the cockpit of the starship Anakin was sitting in, grinning.

"Ready for some vomit-worthy flying?" he asks smirking.

"Not if I don't have to be."

"I'm just teasing you."

"I know and you should know that I missed it."

"I'm glad you missed me so much. But tell me something. Why did you risk your life to save me?"

"Because you're my husband and I love you. And our family is the only Jedi left, it is our duty to save the galaxy."

Anakin doesn't say anything for the remainder of the flight other than the occasional small talk. It seemed as if Darth Vader had taken control again, as subtly as I can I check his eyes and notice they had turned to yellow again.

I do everything I can to make sure I don't piss off Vader for fear of him harming Luke and Leia.

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