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Emmesere POV

It has been a month since my recovery from having Luke and Leia but we live in Naboo hiding with Padme, I have never felt so hopeless. I had no idea where Anakin was but today Obi-Wan and Master Yoda were traveling to Naboo to speak to me in person, they were risking getting caught by someone named Darth Vader.

All I know is he's a ruthless Sith Lord working for the Empire.

I look at Luke and Leia sleeping peacefully together in their crib, I could not keep them separated because Luke would always cry and wake up his sister. So in the end I did the only thing I could, I put them together to sleep and it seemed to work. I knew that just the very possibility of allowing them to be near each other could alert Darth Vader of a powerful shift in the force because Luke and Leia were full-blooded Jedi.

I jump when I hear a knock on my door, "I'm sorry I scared you Emmesere, but I wanted to tell you that Master Yoda and Obi-Wan have arrived."

"Thank you, Padme," I reply. 

"They wanted to come to your room is that okay?" 

"It can be if they wish."

"Emmesere, they wanted me to stay with the twins because of the news they have...it isn't good I'm afraid. It could really hurt you. It's why they asked if they could come to your room."

"Very well, I will go to them. Where are they?"

"In a meeting room, you know the one we always use." 

I nod and say, "I do. And Padme, if they should wake up please don't separate them, it upsets Luke and Leia makes noises at him for crying."

Padme laughs and says, "Don't worry they will be safe I promise."

"One last thing it's Isania now."

"Yes, you're right. I'm still getting used to that."

I leave the room to go to the conference room and all the way there all I can do is worry about Luke and Leia. I also worry what news Obi-Wan and Master Yoda have brought me, I couldn't stop thinking about Padme's warning.

I take some deep breaths and grip the necklace Anakin had given me when we were nine, though it caused me pain to look at sometimes I kept it with me always. I then open the doors and see the two only living Jedi Masters, they are smiling when they see me. 

"Good to see you well Emmesere, it is. Worried I was for you. Call you Emmesere in private I will and Isania in public."

"Hello, Emmesere, I'm glad to see you have recovered from giving birth. How are the twins doing?" Obi-Wan says with a small smile.

"They're healthy and so like Anakin. I don't know if they have anything from me," I reply. 

I sit down at the table with them both and the room turns somber I knew something awful was coming but I didn't want to face it. But I had to I had no choice.

"Emmesere, have you been able to regain any memory of what happened before you went into labor?" Obi-Wan asks me.

"I've tried to but I can't seem to remember much except being choked by a sith, throwing lava on him and screaming in agony with him before using all the strength I had and help from my twins in the force to take the pain away from the Sith."

"There is no easy way to tell you this I'm afraid..." Obi-Wan begins.

"Where's Ani? Is he alright did someone save him?"

"Patience my Jedi Knight you will soon hear of his fate," Yoda replies.

"Do you recall a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Vader?" Obi-Wan finishes.

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