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Emmesere POV

I had finally managed to not piss off Darth Vader for a whole month, it was amazing that he hadn't noticed I'm force sensitive by now.

I sigh and take a shower still tired from the night before because I had felt Anakin's presence on the Death Star, I tried my hardest to fight our connection but I couldn't. It was the reason that I made the biggest mistake of my new life.

"Isania, are you coming?" Darth Vader asks through the com link.

"Yes, Lord Vader," I reply.

I arrive in his office and he steps close to me studying me, until he lands on my eyes. His yellow Sith eyes burning a hole into my purple ones. His words almost make me pass out cold.

"So Jedi how long were planning on tricking me?"

"I am no Jedi!" I spit back.

"Don't lie to me! I know what you are!"

"What if I am? You have no proof." I snap back.

"But I do. I recognized your keiber crystal on its cord only yesterday, and you're force sensitive."

"Are...are...you going to..." I don't finish my sentence because Darth Vader is force-choking me.

I could feel my airways losing air but I think of Luke and Leia and used the force to push him off of me, I knew he would discover me. I had blown my cover now.

"So Jedi scum I'll fight you. Let's see how well your powers of the light match my powers of dark and all-powerful!"

The moment we begin to fight with the Force I notice instantly I was no longer equal with Darth Vader in the Force, he was slowly overpowering me. Until suddenly he's using his lighting on me and he doesn't let up.

I do something incredibly stupid and yell out, "Anakin, stop you're hurting me!"

Darth Vader stops and shouts, "No, one in the galaxy is left alive to speak of that pathetic man! How do you know that name Jedi scum?!"

"Because Anakin Skywalker was my best friend on Tatooine," I reply with confidence.

Vader's eyes turn from yellow to blue and he looks at my eyes, "One green and one purple eye. Your name isn't Isania Shakajem is it? You're..."

"Ani, you can say my name. I promise I am real." I say taking out my other contact.

"You're...alive? Emmesere, he told me I killed you and the child. You're not my wife you're an imposter!"

Anakin is gone as Darth Vader takes over again I wrack my brain trying to think of a way to get to Anakin.

I then put myself in even more danger by speaking my name, I had a feeling Anakin might respond.

"I am Emmesere Skywalker and I am your wife"

I felt nothing from the man towering over me so I knew I had to keep going. I had to speak of the past though painful it was the only way I could get past Vader.

Just as I open my mouth to speak he gets in my face and shouts, "LIAR!"

My heart is aching as I flinch and Darth Vader starts to force choke me again, I didn't have much time left with oxygen so I start talking.

"Our...Master...on Tattoie...his name...was...Watto..." I could feel Darth Vader's grip on my neck loosen and I suddenly fall to the floor coughing hard.

I grab my neck and it's sore from almost being killed by the most feared Sith Lord in the galaxy.

"Drink the water." He says coldly handing me a cup.

"I was hoping I could sit down Lord Vader, in your presence."

"Take my office chair and scoot it to my couch."  He answers me.

"I...I'm dizzy Lord Vader." I say.

He rolls his eyes and carries me to his chair and hands me the water. I drink it up sparingly as he wheels me over near his couch.

"Talk like a normal person now and I might consider sparing your life Jedi!" he snaps.
I could feel Anakin fighting Darth Vader because the man who had shown me kindness was my husband, not the monster he had become.

It gives me the courage to keep talking, "My name is Emmesere and my best friend was a little boy named Anakin Skywalker. We were slaves on Tattoie our Master was named Watto. You were his mechanic you were a talented pod racer and once you almost made me puke when we became Jedi."

I could slowly feel Anakin taking control and he looks at me with the saddest eyes I have ever seen. His blue eyes were tired and filled with pain.

"Ani, do you know..."

Darth Vader is threatening to come back out and I do the only thing I can think of I cry.

"Shut up!" He screams and I knew Anakin was gone.

"Please don't forget me Anakin," I whisper through my tears.

"My wife is dead! My wife was a redhead with a fighting spirit. This brown-haired green-eyed woman is an imposter!" Darth Vader yells and the lights flicker.

I had absolutely no proof of my identity without my hair, or my necklace from little Anakin to prove who I am. So I start talking again.

"I'm Emmesere, little Emme. Remember when we were slaves and I would get into trouble, and Watto would want to whip me? You would take the whippings for me you have the scars to prove it!"

"You are wrong! I don't know you!" Darth Vader screams.

"Listen to me Anakin Skywalker, I need you to fight for him. Don't listen to Vader right now focus on me!"

I see the crystal blue eyes and I walk up to Anakin putting my hands in his. I focus all of my force on feeling him and making sure he felt our old connection.

"You're scared of Darth Vader. And you're in so much pain mentally and physically. But is it really you?"

"Let's go to the bathroom Ani," I answer.

As soon as we arrive in Darth Vader's suite I turn to see the blazing yellow gaze again I tried to remain strong like the old me. 

"As I said my wife is dead and she had red hair like fire! You're an imposter!" he screams.

Before I can even reason with Darth Vader to get to Anakin he breaks one of my arms with the force, I scream in agony as he breaks my legs and my arm. I sob from all the pain and think of my twins that I would most likely never see again, because I was so reckless. 

Because I was desperate to fight for him. Desperate to save my husband. Anakin Skywalker didn't even know me anymore so I give up on the floor welcoming the darkness.

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