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Emmesere POV

**Revenge Of The Sith**

"Emmesere, when was the last time you saw him?" Obi-Wan asks me.

I can't respond because I have a flashback to my conversation with my husband yesterday.

"Emmesere, I need to tell you something," Anakin says holding my hands in his as we gaze out to the stars on the balcony. 

"What is it?" I ask softly.

"Chancellor Palpatine has told me how to save you from dying in childbirth. He said he will give me the power to save you from death and the child from death."

"Anakin, did he tell you what he is?"

"Yes, I know he's a Sith Lord. But he promised me he could save you!"

"He revealed himself to me as well. He tried to get me to join him because of how powerful I am because of combining our power through the force. How we made love and strengthened our powers together, and then created a very powerful child, he wants me to rule the galaxy with some apprentice he has! To have a child as powerful as its mother"

"So you know then?" 

"Yes, but tell me something. How much does he know about us?"
"He knows more than what's good for him. He's so kind to me and so easy to talk to Emmesere, I'm sorry. I'm just so desperate to save you...to protect you! I won't let you die!"

"I love you Ani, and I don't want you to risk yourself for me. We aren't slaves anymore I don't need you to rescue me from things."

"It's because of my devoted, blinding passion and love for you Darling Emmesere, that I want to save you! I love you I can't lose you or the baby!"

"I'm going to the council about him."

"I already did my Darling, they are on their way to arrest him now."


**Flashback Ends**

**Present Time**

"Emmesere, when was the last time you saw Anakin?" Obi-Wan tries again.

"Yesterday," I reply calmly.

"Do you know where he is now?"

"No, I can't feel him. I can't feel his emotions for some reason like I always have been since we were children. Since before I could use the force."

"I need your help he's in grave danger." Obi-Wan continues.

"From the Sith?!" 

"No, from himself. You can't feel his emotions because he's not himself. Emmesre, Anakin has turned to the dark side it's the reason you can't feel his emotions."

"You're wrong! How could you even say that?!" I say angrily.

"I have seen it myself on a hologram of security footage, of him...killing younglings," Obi-Wan says almost choking.

I could feel my heart breaking at the news and I say, "Not Anakin! He couldn't...not when...we have a family on the way. Not when he's taken whippings for me as a child!"

"I am afraid it is true Emmesere, but we might be able to save him if we hurry."

I start crying and make up my mind that no matter what I had to save him. I suddenly recall my dream again and say, "Obi-Wan, Anakin is the Sith Lord from my dream! He's the one...who...who..." I can't finish because I break down into sobs. 

"Then that's all the more reason to find him. Go save him Emmesere."

At that moment I knew Obi-Wan was right no matter the cost, no matter what my dream entailed I was going to fight for him. I was going to save my husband Anakin Skywalker or I would give my life trying.

Fight For Him (An Anakin Skywalker x OC)Where stories live. Discover now