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Emmesere's POV

**The Phantom Menace**

Watto arrives back and sends us home for the day seeming to be in a bad mood but not in a bad enough mood to yell at us. 

"Ani, you liked that girl." I find myself saying.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know exactly how to explain it but I could feel it. You liked her differently than you like me."

"She's really pretty and different that's all. But she's not you Emme."
"Aww Ani, that's so sweet."

We come across the funny creature again getting into a problem with Sebulba the hut and Anakin saves the creature from him. Suddenly a sandstorm erupts as the funny creature leads us back to his friends, Ani and I rush back with them to our house. 

Shmi gives us all lunch and the strange people introduce themselves and the funny creature. 

"You're Jedi  Knight aren't you?" I ask the men.

"Yes, you both are very smart. And  I can sense the force is very strong in you both." Qui Gon says.

"Why are you here?" Ani asks.

"We need a special part for our ship that went bad and it seems that only Watto the hut has it but won't accept my offers."

"What if I race in the pod race and help you?" Ani offers.

"Yeah, and if Ani wins then we can get the part and become Jedis with you! If you free us." I finish.

"Emmesere, Anakin, that's very dangerous and you know how I feel about Watto letting you podrace. And I can't guarantee that he will free you both and give them the part."

"Please, Mom? You always say we should help people who need it but there is not enough kindness in the world sometimes. That we have to look for it."

"I suppose Ani, but you must promise to be careful and to take Emme with you."

"I can't take her with me I only have one seat. Well, then she can watch you with the rest of us."

At first, when Qui Gon tries to reason with Watto he is hesitant but says, "Sure take the girl I have no use for her! Now, that I have little Ani and his mother to help me. The girl I paid not much money for her so you can uh...have...her...for..uh let's say, 50 peggats for her."

"Alright, we have a deal. But what about the boy?"

"I have a chance cube here. Red is his mother and blue is for him but I warn you no funny business!"

Qui Gon hands over the money for me and then when the dice drops he makes it go to blue, I keep silent and my eyes go wide in shock.

"Can I tell Ani?" I ask excitedly.

Qui Gon nods and I race to find my best friend I find him adding some finishing touches to his pod racer, "Ani, Ani, guess what?!" 

"What?" he asks looking up.

"Qui Gon bought me and freed me! He bet on you winning and if he wins the bet you're free too! We'll be Jedi!"

"Emme, that's amazing! I'm so excited."

"Me too Ani. But promise me that you will try to win and fight for the bet to be won?"

"I mean to try Emme, but I've never won before, and this time I am trying harder than ever."

Finally, Ani gets into the race and we all watch from a balcony on some sort of handheld screen after a few rounds and close calls he beats Subulba who yells curses at him. I run down to him and hug him, "Ani, you did it! You won we're both free!"

We arrive back at the house with Shmi and the others it is there that Ani and I tell Shmi we want to become Jedi. She hesitates at first but finally let's us go but not before hugging us both.

A/N: It will get better soon I promise. Just bear with me here and I hope that my first-ever star wars story will be a success. 

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