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Emmesere POV

As soon as I step off the ship from the Death Star to Naboo it leaves and I run as fast as I can to the palace. I was running to feel my hair fly, to feel like I was in the field of flowers again with the man I had loved.

But I was running to see my babies that I had missed deeply.

"Emmesere, your hair!" Padme says when I step into my room.

"I know it's a long story and I'll tell it. Where's Luke and Leia?!" I ask excitedly.

"Crawling around here somewhere. I just finished in my office and brought them back here to play."

I use my force instincts and locate them right away they had been hiding under their crib, I laugh and pull them out by their feet. I pick Luke up first and stroke his baby hair it had gotten darker blonde and a bit thicker.

I smile and think of his father when we were kids. I pick up Leia and could finally see Anakin in her, she was so stubborn and determined to gain my attention from her brother. She grabs my hair and pulls screaming loudly.

"Leia, look at me please my strong powerful Jedi girl."

Pleased with my attention towards her she coos and cuddles up to me.

I hug both of them close to me never once thinking of the pain I was enduring, to bring them their father.

"Emmesere, if you'll change into something more appropriate for Naboo, we can talk. I just don't want anyone to suspect anything."

I place my twins down again and look over to find my gift from little Anakin missing, my heart breaks and I say, "Padme, what happened...to my gift from...little Ani?"

"It's still there just blending in. See?" she says taking it and placing it around my neck.

I get dressed and tell Padme everything that had happened ending with, "I don't know how to save him Darth Vader was tortured into becoming who is. I can't get past him to Anakin, without a fight ending in me being seriously wounded. I won't give up if I can find a way to fight for him!"

"What's something that only Anakin would know? Something physical you could show him?"

"When we were slaves he took whippings for me and has scars on his back that are supposed to be mine. I have my own share of them, but he took a lot of the scars I should have gotten!"

"When you were children?!" Padme asks disgusted.

I nod and she hugs me saying, "If I could have met you both sooner as Queen I would have stopped the cruelty somehow!"

"We have a bond through the force and if I can get him to ignore the dark side of the force long enough he might be able to remember but...I..." I trail off and start to cry as I hold my twins in my bed.

"It's okay Emmesere, you will find a way to save him I know you will. But in the meantime just rest for the time you're here, with Luke and Leia. The more rested you are the better you can think of ways to get past Vader and save Anakin."
"Padme, there is one way to potentially get to Anakin that I forgot about. If Darth Vader leaves his guard down mentally for even a little bit I might be able to get to Anakin's head."
"That's dangerous Emmesere, but it sounds like you've been in worse situations with Darth Vader."
"On our honeymoon night we became more powerful because we exchanged our powers in the force. It was painful for us both because it felt like we were getting electrocuted but we got through it together! Its how we could do some much as a couple before he turned."
"Well, just be careful Emmesere, I don't want you to get hurt." Padme says.
"I was trained by Master Yoda so I know what I am doing."
Padme leaves and I fall asleep with the twins.

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