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Emmesere POV

I wake up in warm blankets in a bed and realize that I could move my legs and arms, they were no longer broken. I find a note and it was signed AS. Anakin must have gained control of himself long enough to heal me and bring me to my bed. My heart hurts when he tells me he will be gone, because within that time he could be doing force knows what as Darth Vader.

Including finding Luke and Leia, and the fear of Vader finding Anakin's children and not my husband, made me shiver in fright. 

In the meantime, I'd have ample time to smuggle things to Obi-Wan from the office but I get into the shower first. The moment I step into the bathroom I saw my reflection and see my red hair again, somehow Anakin had healed my hair from being brown. 

I touch my hair and smile at the memory that comes to mind:


I let my hair down and before I can protest Anakin brushes my hair for me, "You're so beautiful."

"And you're very handsome."

"I love your hair when it's down it's like touching silk."

"Is my hair the only thing you love about me?" I flirt back.

"No, there are other things like your cleverness, kindness, and bravery."

"You're smiling so much now and it makes me happy knowing that you are truly happy."

"I love you." He says putting my brush down.

"I love you too."

"Ani, I think we should pick some names for our baby," I say resting my forehead against his.

"I agree you pick the girl name and I will..."

"Actually, I had a list of names to choose from."


"This is the list and I want you to pick the first names one for each gender. Then we can pick the middle names together."

Anakin scans the list I had given him on the paper and finally says, "I like Luke and Leia Skywalker."

"I do too."

**End Of Flashback**

My eyes are misty at the memory of that night and how lovingly Anakin spoke to me and brushed my hair. I could still smell his sandalwood smell if I tried hard enough and with a happy memory of my old life I step into the shower. 

I get dressed and now knew that I could safely put my hair in braids again and use the force without Darth Vader knowing. I go to his office and begin walking over to his desk when I hear a knock, "Yes?" I call.

The door opens and Admiral Piett steps into the room, "Lord Vader, told me that he would be away for a few days and asked me to tell you..."

"Is something wrong Admiral?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Your hair...it's red!"

"Yes, I...uh..was wearing a wig this whole time and finally decided to take it off, and take out my purple contacts. I apologize for startling you Piett."

"Quite alright. Now, as I was saying Lord Vader asked me to tell you that you have free rain of the Death Star as far as his facilities are concerned. And if you so wish you may visit your home for a few days but on the understanding that you must return to the Death Star."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"What color were Darth Vader's eyes when he asked you to tell me this?"

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